Image of Wintrode Center

The Wintrode Student Success and Opportunity Center at South Dakota State University welcomes involvement from the institution and its partners through the Wintrode Student Success and Opportunity Center Advisory Board. The purpose of the Advisory Board is to elicit perspectives on delivery and outcomes of the programs reporting to the Center. Programs include the Upward Bound, Jump into State, Opportunity Center, Student Support Services, First Year Advising Center, Early Alert, Wintrode Tutoring Program, Supplemental Instruction and the Academic Success and Recovery Program.

The board will be led by the senior director of the Wintrode Student Success and Opportunity Center, director of Tutoring and TRiO Programs, and Academic Success and Recovery Program Coordinator, and will be comprised of eight faculty, staff and community members from various colleges and departments who are actively engaged with Success Center services and/or the students served by the Success Center, and three students who work for and/or utilize Wintrode Center programs. Ex-officio liaisons of this council will include the provost and vice president for academic affairs and the vice president for student affairs and enrollment management.


  1. Provide advice on priorities identified through Learning Center of Excellence Certification in areas such as programs and services; organizational framework; academic integrity and learning environment; funding, resources and design; staff and professional development; promotion and public relations; and assessment and evaluation.
  2. Offer support, advice, and counsel to increase the Wintrode Center’s visibility, enhance services and improve outcomes.
  3. Act as an advocacy group for the Wintrode Student Success and Opportunity Center and students who utilize Wintrode Center programs and services.