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Doing business in China
s1190034 Masayuki Takei
● Introduction
● Inmportance of doing in China
● Why is China so important in this market?
● How do you think is the climate for foreign investment in
● How does the Chinese market impact the world
● 5 most imprtant things
● Different from doing business in Japan
● The growth of Chinese economy, investment and so on
● Reference
● Chinese economy is the second largest
economy in the world.
● China is the largest export markets of USA
and Europe.
Importance of doing in China
● Relationship is important
● If you establish personal relation ship, you
are able to ask personal question.
● That is important to do something in foreign
Importance of doing in China
● Chinese economy is very larger.
● Ground and population are too.
● To produce a strong local team
Why is China so important in this
● Growing speed is fast
● Doing business rank up
● In 2013, that rank is 99
● In 2014, that rank is 96
Why is China so important in this
● China is low cost manufacturing
● Mass production
● Low labor cost
Why is China so important in this
● Chinese workforce has become matured.
● Their labors have a constant skill.
How do you think is the climate for
foreign investment in China?
● China is a most important developing
country in the world.
● This country is developing country, however
this country has the history that is gathering
How do you think is the climate for
foreign investment in China?
● The history is not only gathering attention
but also current economy is gathering
● Chinese production is not better than
Japanes production, but that are useful for
How does the Chinese market
impact the world economy?
● China has a low cost labor.
● So, production is lower than other production
that is made by developed country.
How does the Chinese market
impact the world economy?
● Chinese economy is larger than Japanese
● That is second largest economy in the world
● Maybe, that is able to have strength of
impact the world economy
5 most important things
● To mosaic the markets
○ China has 1.3 million people who are various kinds
● Culture and etiquette of business
○ You must understand the chinese culture and
etiquette of business. Because if you could not
understand that, it is impossible to work with.
5 most important things
● To take a market based approach
● To take, patience and money
○ China need to give a sign long term approach
● To build a local strong team
Different from doing business in
● There are many points that are different from
● About population, China is larger than Japan
● That efficient to the number of labor.
Different from doing business in
● Labor’s cost is different from Japan’s one
● There is the foreign bank that is called
● Foreign investment and trade is growing
Different from doing business in
● The cost of living is cheaper than Japan
● There are many kind of persons who had
been study or have not study.
● Persons who live in China use chinese
Different from doing business in
● Location and population is larger than Japan’
s one
● Chinese have the skill of English is more
existed than Japan
The growth of Chinese economy,
investment and so on
● Population of china is 1.3 million who are
possible to work.
● China’s labor cost is lower than Japan
● China has been growing rapidly, so GDP is
2nd largest country.
The growth of Chinese economy,
investment and so on
● If you are doign business in China, you must
know their culture and etiquette of business
in China.
● The way of success your business is joined
a good team. Good team is leaded to load of
● http://edition.cnn.
● http://www.doingbusiness.

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7 july_13 july

  • 1. Doing business in China s1190034 Masayuki Takei
  • 2. Outline ● Introduction ● Inmportance of doing in China ● Why is China so important in this market? ● How do you think is the climate for foreign investment in China? ● How does the Chinese market impact the world economy? ● 5 most imprtant things ● Different from doing business in Japan ● The growth of Chinese economy, investment and so on ● Reference
  • 3. Introduction ● Chinese economy is the second largest economy in the world. ● China is the largest export markets of USA and Europe.
  • 4. Importance of doing in China ● Relationship is important ● If you establish personal relation ship, you are able to ask personal question. ● That is important to do something in foreign countries.
  • 5. Importance of doing in China ● Chinese economy is very larger. ● Ground and population are too. ● To produce a strong local team
  • 6. Why is China so important in this market? ● Growing speed is fast ● Doing business rank up ● In 2013, that rank is 99 ● In 2014, that rank is 96
  • 7. Why is China so important in this market? ● China is low cost manufacturing ● Mass production ● Low labor cost
  • 8. Why is China so important in this market? ● Chinese workforce has become matured. ● Their labors have a constant skill.
  • 9. How do you think is the climate for foreign investment in China? ● China is a most important developing country in the world. ● This country is developing country, however this country has the history that is gathering attention.
  • 10. How do you think is the climate for foreign investment in China? ● The history is not only gathering attention but also current economy is gathering attention. ● Chinese production is not better than Japanes production, but that are useful for
  • 11. How does the Chinese market impact the world economy? ● China has a low cost labor. ● So, production is lower than other production that is made by developed country.
  • 12. How does the Chinese market impact the world economy? ● Chinese economy is larger than Japanese economy ● That is second largest economy in the world ● Maybe, that is able to have strength of impact the world economy
  • 13. 5 most important things ● To mosaic the markets ○ China has 1.3 million people who are various kinds ● Culture and etiquette of business ○ You must understand the chinese culture and etiquette of business. Because if you could not understand that, it is impossible to work with.
  • 14. 5 most important things ● To take a market based approach ● To take, patience and money ○ China need to give a sign long term approach ● To build a local strong team
  • 15. Different from doing business in Japan ● There are many points that are different from Japan ● About population, China is larger than Japan one ● That efficient to the number of labor.
  • 16. Different from doing business in Japan ● Labor’s cost is different from Japan’s one ● There is the foreign bank that is called HSBC ● Foreign investment and trade is growing
  • 17. Different from doing business in Japan ● The cost of living is cheaper than Japan ● There are many kind of persons who had been study or have not study. ● Persons who live in China use chinese language.
  • 18. Different from doing business in Japan ● Location and population is larger than Japan’ s one ● Chinese have the skill of English is more existed than Japan
  • 19. The growth of Chinese economy, investment and so on ● Population of china is 1.3 million who are possible to work. ● China’s labor cost is lower than Japan ● China has been growing rapidly, so GDP is 2nd largest country.
  • 20. The growth of Chinese economy, investment and so on ● If you are doign business in China, you must know their culture and etiquette of business in China. ● The way of success your business is joined a good team. Good team is leaded to load of success.
  • 21. Reference ● http://edition.cnn. com/2011/10/21/business/china-business- investors-culture/ ● ● http://www.doingbusiness. org/data/exploreeconomies/china/ ● cn/1/PA_ES_Content_Mgmt/content/china/c
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