About Plone Conference Tokyo 2018 Frontend DayKazuhiro Hara
The document announces an upcoming Plone conference in Tokyo from November 5-11, 2018. It will include a related Frontend Day event focused on user interface technologies, design, and smartphone/IoT applications. Frontend Day especially welcomes foreign participants and is looking for speakers to give 20 minute presentations in English. The author is challenging himself to organize and speak at the international conference, being his first presentation in English.
This document provides instructions for creating a desktop application using the descjop template for Clojure projects. It describes downloading Electron, initializing a new project, building the project for development and production, and packaging the application. The template supports Om and Reagent frameworks and runs on macOS, Windows, and Linux. It allows adding basic menus and shortcuts and outlines future goals like supporting main process figwheel and UI frameworks.
The document contains a series of tweets from the Twitter user @kara_d that are tagged with #cakephpstudy. Each tweet contains the Twitter ID and tags but no other text. The document focuses on this user's tweets around the topic of studying CakePHP.