2. Soil analysis in your country
How many routine laboratories exist in your
Are they ‘mobile’ laboratories?
Are soil test kits commonly used?
a- In Niger we have three known routine laboratories:
-LASEVE( Laboratoire d’Analyses Sol, Eau, Vegetaux et Engrais) at
-LASDES(Laboratoire Sol, Eau et Dynamique des surfaces) at
Université Abdou Moumouni of Niamey
-QCL(Quality Control Laboratory) which is private in Niamey
b- Mobile laboratories exist only in INRAN known as ‘’Soil Doc’’ pilot phase
c- Soil kits are not used in Niger up to now
4. Strength/weakness
IV- The forces include:
- Mandate for official analysis in Niger
- Capacity of analyisng numerous samples with diversity of requests
- New building is under construction by WAPP Niger
- Availability of Legislative and regulatory texts (statutes)
- Long experience of partnership with sister institutions
- Presence of interns to strengthen the capacity of the laboratory personnel
- Project of acquisitions of new equipment by PPAO SAPEP and KFW
- Existence of highly experienced human resources
- Availability of ECOWAS manual for quality control
- Presence of researchers attached to laboratory with diverse field of
V- There are many things to improve including:
- Most of devices are obsoletes
- Logistics and maintenance highly needed
- The current infrastructure is under degradation
- Some materials and equipment are out of use
- The aging workforce
6. Expectations out of this meeting and GLOSOLAN?
To make LASEVE attain a higher level in terms of analysis capability by :
-Offering through either short or long duration training of personnel a capacity
reinforcement regarding all aspects related to modern laboratories.
-Provide the scientists attached to the LASEVE with such knowledge enabling
them to face any challenge as soil reclamation, conservation, hygien and
-Provide the possibility to the lab to be informed and able to get novelty in
terms of technologies used for analysis in general at the right time.
- Opportunity to get access to modern and advanced materials suited to precise
analysis as well as for academic purposes.