Ansley Abraham
Director, SREB-State Doctoral Scholars Program


Ansley Abraham joined the Southern Regional Education Board in 1985 as a research associate and became the founding director of the State Doctoral Scholars Program in 1993. Under Ansley’s direction, the Doctoral Scholars Program has developed into a nationally recognized program for producing minority Ph.D.s who seek faculty careers. The program hosts the annual Institute on Teaching and Mentoring — the largest gathering of minority Ph.D. scholars in the nation. Ansley’s previous work at SREB covered perception of campus climate by minority- and majority-group students on historically black and predominantly white campuses and studies on statewide assessments and placement, college-level standards and the need for developmental education. He earned a B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. in sociology and psychology from Florida State University. He also worked as a program specialist in the Florida Department of Education and as a management analyst in the Florida governor’s office.