- Argo - Argo Floats
- Drifter - Conventional drifters
- HR-Drifter - High-Resolution Drifters
- T-Mooring - Tropical Moorings
- C-Mooring - Coastal Moorings
- CRW - Coral Reef Watch Buoys
- Ship - Conventional ships
- IMOS - IMOS Ships
Symbol = one observation.
N_Obs - number of obs;
N_QC - number of obs passed QC;
DR,GL,TS,SG,RS,XP,PH,XQ - nobs detected by each check:
- AL - All iQuam checks combined
- DR - Duplicate Removal
- GL - Geo-Location
- TS - Travel-Speed (aka. Tracking)
- SG - SST-Gradient (aka. Spike)
- RS - Ref SST (aka. background); 1 - Reynolds, 2 - CMC
- XP - Cross-Platform (aka. buddy). Performed on top of RS.
1- Reynolds, 2 - CMC
- PH - Performance History (aka. iQuam blacklist)
- XQ - External QC from input data (not used in iQuam QC)
Statistics are calculated over (In situ - Ref SST).
In situ: obs that passed iQuam QC
Ref1 = Reynolds; Ref2 = CMC
Note: N_Mtchp - number of (in situ - Ref) match ups. (Smaller than N_QC due to missing Ref SST in some points.)
For more information, see About.
N_ID - number of platforms/IDs;
N_Obs - number of obs passed QC;
Mean,Median,SD,RSD,Max,Min - statistics of dSST (In situ - Ref).
QC statistics by check:
- DR - Duplicate Removal
- GL - Geo-Location Check
- TS - Travel-Speed (aka. Tracking)
- SG - SST-Gradient (aka. Spike)
- RS - Reference SST (aka. background); 1-Reynolds, 2-CMC
- XP - Cross-Platform (aka. buddy). Performed on top of RS. 1-Reynolds, 2-CMC
- PH - Performance History (aka. iQuam blacklist)
- XQ - External QC from input data (not used in iQuam QC)
- AL - All iQuam checks combined
NOBS - number of obs;
N_QC - nobs of passed QC;
Err% - rate of obs denied by QC;
N_Mp - nobs of passed QC match-
Mean,SD,Max,Min - statistics calcul-
ated over (In situ - Reference) SST.
In situ: obs that passed iQuam QC
Ref: Reynolds or CMC
DR,GL,TS,SG,RS,XP,PH,XQ - nobs detected by each check
- AL - All iQuam checks combined
- DR - Duplicate Removal
- GL - Geo-Location
- TS - Travel-Speed (aka. Tracking)
- SG - SST-Gradient (aka. Spike)
- RS - Reference SST (aka. background); 1-Reynolds, 2-CMC
- XP - Cross-Platform (aka. buddy). Performed on top of RS.
1-Reynolds, 2-CMC
- PH - Performance History (aka. iQuam blacklist)
- XQ - External QC from input data (not used in iQuam QC)
Lat,Lon - starting location of in-situ
Click column header to sort.
Click ID to show individual ID monitor window.