In Sierra Leone, access to quality education, retention and completion of school remain challenges for children. Compounding factors such as poverty, gender discrimination, geographical location, perceived low value placed on education, harmful traditional practices such as Female Genital Mutilation (FGM – 86.1 per cent), early marriage (30 per cent of women are married before age 18), teenage pregnancy, and unsafe learning environments are the main causes affecting learning outcomes (Sierra Leone Education Report 2020). The percentage of school age out-of-school children in primary is 18%, junior secondary is 19%, and senior secondary is 36%. The literacy and numeracy rates of children in primary schools for both boys and girls is 15%. 1 out of 10 children are likely to complete senior education in underserved communities, compared to 7 out of 10 in urban communities (ESP 2022-2026).
International World teachers' day 5th/10/2023
The teacher need for education we want: The Global imperative to reserve the shortage of teachers.
Our Vision
TFSL envisions that one day, all children in Sierra Leone will have an opportunity to attain an excellent education that will help them achieve their full potential, irrespective of their socio-economic status, geographical location or gender.

Partnering with CRS and Irish Aid
Teach For Sierra leone is supporting CRS and Irish aid develop high-quality diagnostic assessments to help Class 6 teachers identify the learning needs of their students and teach at the right level.
Our Mission
To expand educational opportunity by developing transformative future leaders that will lead systemic change to create a truly liberatory environment that will end educational injustices in Sierra Leone.