I'm currently using a chart bar series within a ScrollView. The reason it's within a ScrollView is because I have a CollectionView of 4 cards displaying relevant data to the charts at the bottom of the ScrollView. Natively when I'm pinch zooming or panning (any tap or drag gesture on the chart), I can disable the ScrollView with the chart pan and pinch gestures using MPAndroidChart so that it doesn't interfere with the pinch zoom. I managed to figure out a way on iOS to disable the ScrollView. I add Pan and Pinch Gestures to the chart which prevents the scrolling but this doesn't work on Android. For it to be uniform, Can you suggest a way where we can disable the ScrollView when I Pan or Pinch Zoom on the bar chart? Thank you.
Hi Shivar,
The ScrollView component is not from Telerik UI for Maui, so we are limited in what we can do to assist. While the Chart has its own internal native ScrollView element for these gestures and was not designed to be embedded in multiple ScrollViews with conflicting gestures.
As an important tip, when you post your question in any of the Microsoft locations, you will want to be careful about how you phrase the question and avoid putting focus on the 3rd party component. You don't want them to accidentally send you back here when you're really asking for help with the Microsoft component.
In the meantime, I did find some resources that might be useful for you:
Hi Lance,
Thank you for your response. I understand that the ScrollView component is not a Telerik component but my question was more related to the Chart component of Telerik.
In short, is there a way to trigger events from the charts when you pinch zoom or pan? I've been through the documents and there's no mention of it. If there's no way, is there plans for the future to include these events?