April 14, 2018
UC Davis - Davis, CA

Women's 1500 Meters

1 Jessa Perkinson SR-4 Southern Oregon 3:47.35 5:43.73 5:11.25 5:43.73 4:33.36 4:30.65 4:25.24 -
2 Katherine Jamboretz Senior Impala Racing Team 3:25.77 4:06.38 4:19.91 3:42.01 3:09.52 4:30.74 3:14.94 -
3 Courtney Heiner Senior Strava Track Club 4:42.92 5:38.94 3:49.69 6:04.15 5:05.32 4:40.11 3:44.09 -
4 Haley Adel SO-2 UC Davis 5:00.49 3:25.01 5:56.66 4:09.94 4:12.75 4:40.83 4:15.56 -
5 Abby Bolt SO-2 St. Mary's (Cal.) 3:43.78 5:39.92 5:31.42 4:37.60 4:48.93 4:43.26 6:05.41 -
6 Hannah Wood SR-4 Santa Clara 3:29.81 3:24.14 4:37.85 3:29.81 3:46.82 4:43.52 4:01.00 -
7 Sarah Anderson SO-2 UC Davis 5:04.22 4:13.04 3:47.45 4:10.20 4:21.57 4:44.31 5:18.43 -
8 Alexis Ballman FR-1 UC Davis 4:38.85 3:53.33 3:33.41 4:27.47 5:13.00 4:44.54 6:01.37 -
9 Victoria O'Neil   Strava Track Club 5:06.05 3:54.54 4:03.12 3:54.54 4:08.84 4:46.02 5:46.09 -
10 Bibiana Enriquez JR-3 San Francisco St. 6:11.70 4:13.57 3:47.63 3:36.11 3:53.40 4:48.14 4:53.91 -
11 Neylene Leon JR-3 St. Mary's (Cal.) 4:08.54 5:00.56 5:06.34 3:59.87 4:05.65 4:49.00 5:32.35 1
12 Julia Lemak SO-2 UC Davis 5:32.54 3:45.55 4:57.84 5:29.65 4:34.71 4:49.16 3:39.77 -
13 Niki Hemminger SR-4 Humboldt State 4:09.42 4:21.02 4:44.22 5:50.93 4:21.02 4:50.02 3:57.82 -
14 Madison Denny Freshman Unattached 5:02.26 3:58.32 4:41.92 4:50.63 4:27.38 4:50.63 6:03.29 -
15 Pearl Shoemaker SO-2 San Francisco St. 5:43.95 5:03.14 6:01.44 3:59.02 3:53.19 4:51.48 5:03.14 -
16 Samantha Shields SO-2 Fresno State 4:10.99 5:18.11 4:54.76 3:33.05 6:07.72 4:51.84 5:56.05 -
17 Bevin McCullough JR-3 Santa Clara 5:09.59 3:47.81 4:49.14 5:44.63 3:53.65 4:52.06 5:21.27 -
18 Bianca Bryant JR-3 San Francisco St. 5:54.38 4:11.87 5:33.88 4:00.16 4:41.16 4:52.87 5:16.30 -
19 Ellie Kopf FR-1 Santa Clara 6:12.94 3:37.31 4:30.16 4:44.84 5:08.34 4:53.65 4:56.59 -
20 Emma McCurry FR-1 Santa Clara 4:04.04 4:45.70 3:31.30 5:36.29 5:39.27 4:57.60 4:51.65 -
21 Reece Schweibold   UC Davis XC & Track Club 3:28.74 5:57.83 4:40.30 5:48.89 5:48.89 4:58.19 6:12.74 -
22 Marylu Pulido SR-4 Stanislaus State 3:37.44 4:55.96 4:01.60 5:05.02 5:35.22 5:02.00 4:55.96 -
23 Myha Castro SR-4 San Francisco St. 6:00.03 5:57.00 5:08.59 3:52.96 6:03.05 5:02.54 3:59.01 -
24 Lauren Powers SO-2 UC Davis 4:45.25 5:30.76 4:17.94 6:13.25 6:34.49 5:03.45 6:19.32 -
25 Shayla Potratz FR-1 Southern Oregon 4:54.70 5:37.23 3:41.79 3:32.67 4:03.05 5:03.81 4:18.24 -
26 Katie Watson SO-2 St. Mary's (Cal.) 6:26.06 5:31.34 6:19.98 5:43.50 4:30.55 5:03.98 3:32.79 -
27 Jordan Monroe SO-2 Oregon Tech 6:00.15 5:17.42 6:30.67 4:43.85 3:58.07 5:05.21 5:35.74 -
28 Jamie Ferris JR-3 Santa Clara 6:06.86 6:06.86 6:00.74 6:06.86 5:33.23 5:05.71 5:54.63 -
29 Noelani Obermeyer SO-2 Santa Clara 5:24.86 5:03.41 6:07.77 5:09.54 6:04.70 5:06.47 3:46.79 -
30 Allison Martinez SR-4 Santa Clara 6:32.96 6:36.03 5:10.07 5:07.00 3:44.11 5:07.00 5:00.86 -
31 Annelis Walker SR-4 Fresno State 6:37.16 4:21.69 5:47.90 4:55.56 4:21.69 5:07.87 4:09.38 -
32 Shannon Luu SR-4 Santa Clara 3:41.93 5:05.15 4:58.99 4:40.49 3:51.18 5:08.23 4:46.66 -
33 Taylor Bailey Freshman Unattached 6:29.85 3:42.77 5:21.78 4:13.71 4:38.46 5:09.40 6:08.19 -
34 Emma Eikelberner SO-2 Santa Clara 6:19.09 6:28.42 5:35.59 4:55.20 4:24.12 5:10.73 5:44.91 -
35 Kalen Abe FR-1 Santa Clara 4:33.86 6:20.89 5:30.52 5:30.52 6:14.59 5:14.78 5:05.34 -
36 Marisa Sanchez SO-2 Santa Clara 4:15.15 5:55.95 6:02.25 6:11.70 4:43.50 5:15.00 6:49.50 -
37 Skylar Duignan FR-1 Pacific 6:37.55 6:37.55 4:15.57 3:53.48 6:24.93 5:15.51 6:40.70 -
38 Morgan Leonard SO-2 San Francisco St. 6:30.27 6:46.14 5:29.99 6:20.75 5:52.20 5:17.29 6:08.06 -
39 Marlene Alcantar JR-3 Fresno State 4:36.12 6:36.72 6:30.37 4:29.77 6:39.89 5:17.37 4:04.38 -
40 Heather Kristoff FR-1 Oregon Tech 6:26.41 4:25.06 5:03.38 4:12.28 5:32.12 5:19.34 3:43.54 -
41 Isabel Mendoza JR-3 Stanislaus State 4:35.09 5:39.07 4:31.89 5:23.07 6:36.64 5:19.87 5:13.48 -
42 Anna Martinez FR-1 Pacific 5:17.04 4:02.64 6:31.45 5:39.69 3:49.70 5:23.51 4:28.52 -
43 Lydia Scott FR-1 Fresno State 6:18.72 5:49.59 6:05.77 4:38.38 5:36.64 5:23.69 6:57.56 -
44 Kerry Young FR-1 Stanislaus State 4:21.38 6:54.94 4:44.25 5:39.79 5:10.39 5:26.72 5:59.40 -
45 Charlene Aguilera FR-1 San Francisco St. 6:19.06 6:51.73 5:10.44 5:13.70 6:35.40 5:26.77 4:34.49 -
46 Morgan Bowman FR-1 UC Davis 4:55.00 6:52.99 6:03.83 5:11.39 5:47.44 5:27.77 4:55.00 -
47 Haley Silva JR-3 Pacific 5:44.45 6:58.02 6:21.23 5:00.97 7:14.74 5:34.41 5:41.10 -
48 Kailey Eddy FR-1 Chico State 7:02.49 6:10.55 7:02.49 7:16.34 4:57.82 5:46.30 6:59.03 -
49 Sophia Tait SR-4 San Francisco St. 6:05.13 4:17.33 7:21.63 6:08.61 4:03.42 5:47.74 4:03.42 -
Women's 1500 Meters Section 1
1 Jessa Perkinson SR-4 Southern Oregon 4:41.48 3:22.99 5:49.14 4:30.65 4:19.83 -
2 Katherine Jamboretz Senior Impala Racing Team 3:55.55 4:19.91 4:44.28 4:30.74 4:19.91 -
3 Courtney Heiner Senior Strava Track Club 5:33.33 5:47.34 3:32.89 4:40.11 3:35.69 -
4 Haley Adel SO-2 UC Davis 5:51.04 5:28.58 4:29.60 4:40.83 5:06.11 -
5 Abby Bolt SO-2 St. Mary's (Cal.) 3:46.61 5:54.08 5:28.59 4:43.26 5:45.58 -
6 Hannah Wood SR-4 Santa Clara 3:43.98 5:37.39 4:12.34 4:43.52 4:18.01 -
7 Sarah Anderson SO-2 UC Davis 5:41.18 5:52.55 5:58.23 4:44.31 3:41.77 -
8 Alexis Ballman FR-1 UC Davis 4:24.63 4:01.86 5:07.31 4:44.54 5:10.15 -
9 Victoria O'Neil   Strava Track Club 5:37.51 4:23.14 5:31.79 4:46.02 5:17.49 -
10 Bibiana Enriquez JR-3 San Francisco St. 5:51.53 4:13.57 4:04.92 4:48.14 4:56.79 -
12 Julia Lemak SO-2 UC Davis 4:46.27 4:46.27 6:07.24 4:49.16 3:57.12 -
Women's 1500 Meters Section 2
11 Neylene Leon JR-3 St. Mary's (Cal.) 5:29.46 4:49.00 5:03.45 1
13 Niki Hemminger SR-4 Humboldt State 3:37.52 4:50.02 5:48.03 -
14 Madison Denny Freshman Unattached 3:29.26 4:50.63 4:50.63 -
15 Pearl Shoemaker SO-2 San Francisco St. 5:03.14 4:51.48 6:10.18 -
16 Samantha Shields SO-2 Fresno State 4:13.90 4:51.84 4:16.82 -
17 Bevin McCullough JR-3 Santa Clara 4:43.30 4:52.06 5:41.71 -
19 Ellie Kopf FR-1 Santa Clara 4:44.84 4:53.65 4:00.80 -
23 Myha Castro SR-4 San Francisco St. 5:44.90 5:02.54 5:53.98 -
27 Jordan Monroe SO-2 Oregon Tech 4:19.43 5:05.21 4:34.69 -
34 Emma Eikelberner SO-2 Santa Clara 6:43.95 5:10.73 5:57.34 -
36 Marisa Sanchez SO-2 Santa Clara 6:11.70 5:15.00 4:08.85 -
Women's 1500 Meters Section 3
20 Emma McCurry FR-1 Santa Clara 4:57.60 5:09.51 -
21 Reece Schweibold   UC Davis XC & Track Club 4:58.19 6:00.81 -
24 Lauren Powers SO-2 UC Davis 5:03.45 4:54.35 -
25 Shayla Potratz FR-1 Southern Oregon 5:03.81 5:03.81 -
28 Jamie Ferris JR-3 Santa Clara 5:05.71 6:28.26 -
29 Noelani Obermeyer SO-2 Santa Clara 5:06.47 4:23.57 -
43 Lydia Scott FR-1 Fresno State 5:23.69 5:56.06 -
Women's 1500 Meters Section 4
18 Bianca Bryant JR-3 San Francisco St. 4:20.66 4:49.95 4:20.66 4:49.95 4:52.87 5:10.45 -
22 Marylu Pulido SR-4 Stanislaus State 3:40.46 4:31.80 5:20.12 5:47.30 5:02.00 5:59.38 -
26 Katie Watson SO-2 St. Mary's (Cal.) 4:36.63 5:19.18 5:28.30 5:00.94 5:03.98 5:19.18 -
30 Allison Martinez SR-4 Santa Clara 6:05.33 5:43.84 4:24.02 3:34.90 5:07.00 6:26.82 -
31 Annelis Walker SR-4 Fresno State 4:58.64 3:53.99 3:44.75 4:00.14 5:07.87 5:29.42 -
32 Shannon Luu SR-4 Santa Clara 4:12.75 4:58.99 4:15.83 5:39.06 5:08.23 4:09.67 -
33 Taylor Bailey Freshman Unattached 4:29.18 5:34.16 4:50.84 5:09.40 5:09.40 4:10.62 -
35 Kalen Abe FR-1 Santa Clara 4:24.42 4:46.45 6:17.74 6:11.44 5:14.78 6:39.77 -
37 Skylar Duignan FR-1 Pacific 4:28.19 5:15.51 4:15.57 5:21.82 5:15.51 4:59.74 -
48 Kailey Eddy FR-1 Chico State 4:09.34 7:12.88 6:45.18 7:02.49 5:46.30 5:46.30 -
Women's 1500 Meters Section 5
38 Morgan Leonard SO-2 San Francisco St. 4:10.66 4:58.26 6:17.58 5:17.29 -
39 Marlene Alcantar JR-3 Fresno State 4:29.77 5:33.24 6:17.67 5:17.37 -
40 Heather Kristoff FR-1 Oregon Tech 5:57.66 5:51.28 4:02.70 5:19.34 -
41 Isabel Mendoza JR-3 Stanislaus State 5:26.27 4:38.29 6:43.04 5:19.87 -
42 Anna Martinez FR-1 Pacific 5:04.10 6:34.69 4:51.16 5:23.51 -
44 Kerry Young FR-1 Stanislaus State 6:41.87 5:10.39 6:05.93 5:26.72 -
45 Charlene Aguilera FR-1 San Francisco St. 5:33.31 5:46.38 5:00.63 5:26.77 -
46 Morgan Bowman FR-1 UC Davis 4:12.39 5:34.33 6:07.11 5:27.77 -
47 Haley Silva JR-3 Pacific 6:17.89 4:54.28 4:40.91 5:34.41 -
49 Sophia Tait SR-4 San Francisco St. 6:01.65 5:23.40 6:12.09 5:47.74 -
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