verb as in insist, declare, maintain
Example Sentences
Or were all those billionaire potentates in the Capitol Rotunda — seated in front of Trump’s Cabinet picks — asserting their social, economic and cultural hegemony?
Those who swear by the ingredient say it’s a natural moisturizer with several benefits, including fighting acne — asserting it has anti-inflammatory properties — and protecting the skin barrier to lock in hydration.
Last week, as the fire continued to burn, Crowley gave television interviews asserting that her department’s response to that emergency was hampered by a $17-million cut to its budget.
In 2020, Bondi supported Trump's efforts to overturn the election, embracing false claims of voter fraud and asserting that "we won Pennsylvania," a state Trump in fact lost by 80,000 votes.
Trump also ramped up his rhetorical broadsides against Mexico, asserting that Mexico “is essentially run by the cartels. .... Can’t let that happen. Mexico is really in trouble. A lot of trouble. Very dangerous place.”
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.