verb as in fall limply, collapse
verb as in fail miserably
Strongest matches
Weak matches
Example Sentences
"Spotify Wrapped flopped this year so bad. Like where are the music cities, the playlists, the top genres or the listening auras… all that wait for WHAT?"
Cable channels have long been a key economic pillar by generating billions of dollars in cable distribution fees that more than covered up the misses when big-budget movies flopped or during advertising recessions.
But then the whole body was lifted free, and flopped lifelessly in the arms of the rescuers.
Some of those decisions paid off, while others - including a failed telecom venture and the Nano, which was billed as the world's cheapest car but flopped - lost money.
As Democrats have used the issue of reproductive rights to galvanize voters, Trump has flip flopped on the issue.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.