Supporting Australia Says No More and signing the pledge against domestic violence and sexual abuse
Written byAt Uber we want to take a stand for safety. That’s why we are pleased to support Australia Says No More.
This week, from 3-9 March, Australia Says NO MORE is seeking Aussies to take the pledge to break social stigma, normalise the conversation around domestic violence and sexual assault, as well as increase resources to address these urgent issues.
We’re pleased to help spread the word and are encouraging driver-partners and riders around the country to join us in pledging NO MORE. This is a one way Uber can utilise our resources and technology to benefit the wider community.
I’ve already taken the NO MORE pledge and will be sharing this on social media using the hashtag #aussaysnomore.
In our partner support centres around Australia, called Greenlight Hubs, we’ll be sharing this message throughout March as well as playing the educational video we created alongside NO MORE to explain the sorts of behaviour that is and isn’t appropriate, in line with our community guidelines.
Sexual and gender-based violence is a widespread societal issue that affects all of us – individuals, communities, businesses and industries – including transportation and rideshare. So please join us to say NO MORE to domestic violence and sexual assault.