2015 Summer Intern

Josh Clark
Josh Clark
Josh Clark, University of Northern Colorado

Josh Clark graduated from the University of Nortern Colorado in the spring of 2015 with a B.S. in Meteorology, and is headed to the graduate program at San Jose State's Fire Weather Research Lab this fall.

Josh arrived at the Unidata Program Center in June with a summer project in mind: a small pure python wrapper around the MesoWest API that could be used to retrieve meteorological data at over 40,000 observation stations in the United States and display the data in geographic context.


Within a week of his arrival, though, Josh had released a version of the MesoPy project on GitHub. After making some improvements based on advice from UPC developers Ryan May and Sean Arms, Josh presented his MesoPy work at the 2015 Unidata Users Workshop in June. Great progress, but it left Josh looking for other things to tackle. You can read more about the projects Josh worked on in this post.

Josh says this about his summer at the Unidata Program Center:

I really touched a lot of Unidata technology. Ten weeks went by so fast; I really appreciate [the Unidata staff's] time. A lot of them made me laugh, I made a lot of new friends; I really had an absolute blast. [It was great to] work with a group of people I thought would be so intimidating — Russ Rew is the father of netCDF! — but folks sat down with me and walked me though everything. I couldn't have asked for better.