Workshop Registration

Workshop Code of Conduct

UCAR is committed to providing a safe, productive,UCAR Conference Code of Conductall meeting participants and UCAR staff. Please read the UCAR Conference Code of Conduct before registering for the workshop.

I have read the UCAR Conference Code of Conduct and agree to abide by its terms.

Registration for the 2018 Users Workshop will be handled via the RegOnline site.

General registration is open until May 24, 2018.

Extended registration for those who do not require travel or lodging support from Unidata is open until June 10, 2018. Unidata cannot provide assistance with lodging for those who register after May 24th.

Note: Registration fees will not be charged to a credit card until after May 23, 2018. If you are applying for financial support to attend the workshp, you will be informed of the status of your request before any charges are processed.

Attendee Information

Workshop costs and registration procedures vary depending on the type of attendee:

Academic Participant — This group consists of members of the professional educational and research community who will be attending the meeting as participants. (Please note that this category is not for student attendees; see below.) A $100 registration fee will be required.

Support for lodging expenses while attending the workshop is available for a limited number of academic participants. If paying for lodging would prevent you from attending the workshop, check the “the cost of lodging would deter me from attending the workshop” checkbox when registering. Lodging grants will be made on a first-come, first-served basis; Unidata will contact you about the status of your request.

In addition, UCAR and Unidata are working to increase participation by historically underrepresented groups. A limited number of full-support travel grants are available to workshop attendees who self-identify as members of these groups. If you are interested in applying for such a grant to attend this workshop, see the Equity and Inclusion Travel Support section for details.

Invited Speaker/Presenter — This group consists of members of the educational and research community who will be attending the meeting as presenters. These are speakers or presenters invited by Unidata or the Users Committee. Invited Speaker/Presenter travel and lodging expenses will be paid for by Unidata. The $100 registration fee will be waived.

Federal Government Employee — This group consists of registrants who work for a federal agency. Due to travel reimbursement constraints for federal employees, no travel or lodging support will be provided. Please contact Sheri Ruscetta with any questions at 303-497-8639. A $100 registration fee will be required.

Unidata Staff — This group consists of Unidata employees only. No travel or lodging support will be provided. The $100 registration fee will be waived.

NCAR/UCAR Staff — This group consists of employees of UCAR/NCAR and most likely work in the Boulder area. No travel or lodging support will be provided. A $100 registration fee will be required.

Users Committee Member — This group consists of members of the Unidata Users Committee, which is hosting the Users Workshop. Committee members will have their travel and lodging expenses paid in full, and the $100 registration fee will be waived.

Student — This group consists of students who wish to attend the workshop. Unidata will provide lodging, $300 per student to help defray travel costs to the workshop, and waive the $100 registration fee for up to ten qualified students. We will give funding preference to those students who are interested in pursuing careers in geoscience education. For information on the application process, please see the student announcement.

Students who do not apply for or receive support from Unidata will be treated as Academic Participants.

Non-Governmental Organizations — This group consists of those registrants in a not-for-profit organization, principally independent from government. You will be responsible for arranging and covering all of your travel expenses. Although Unidata will not be paying for your hotel room, we can include you in our block of rooms at the Courtyard Marriott hotel for a cost of $195 per night. If you would like to stay at the workshop hotel, please see the Travel & Lodging page. A $100 registration fee will be required.

Other — This group consists of registrants who do not work for a university or fall under any of the previous categories. You will be responsible for arranging and covering all of your travel expenses. Although Unidata will not be paying for your hotel room, we can include you in our block of rooms at the Courtyard Marriott hotel for a cost of $195 per night. If you would like to stay at the workshop hotel, please see the Travel & Lodging page. A $100 registration fee will be required.