Information for Student Attendees

Unidata is offering $300 to help defray travel costs for the 2018 Users Workshop for up to ten students. The $100 workshop registration fee will be waived for students who receive support to attend. We will give funding preference to those students who are interested in pursuing careers in geoscience research and education.

Students who receive funding for the workshop will be expected to present a poster at the workshop poster session.

Interested students should send the following via e-mail to: including:

  1. A short (1 page) statement of interest describing (i) why you wish to attend and what you hope to get out of the workshop, and (ii) how the workshop fits into your research and career plans.
  2. Your contact information, including university affiliation, your mailing address, email address, and telephone number.
  3. A letter of recommendation to attend the workshop. Graduate sudents should provide a letter from your graduate advisor or department head/chair. Undergraduate students should provide a letter from a professor with whom you have conducted research.

We will accept applications from students through May 17, 2018. We will notify applicants by May 21st as to the status of their request. Successful applicants will be asked to register for the workshop at that time.

Note that students from U.S. academic institutions are also eligible to apply for support under the the Equity and Inclusion Travel Support program. If you apply under both programs, you may receive support from one or the other, but not both.