Case Studies

Case StudiesA variety of meteorological case studies of unique atmospheric phenomena. They include WSR-88D radar, GOES satellite data, NCEP model data, Family of Services text data, upper-air and profiler data, and any contributed data sets. These case studies include not only datasets of weather events, but also integrate relevant educational modules. They are living or dynamic, allowing for the community to augment and add value to existing case studies by contributing related observations, analyses, educational, curricular and multimedia materials, and other views on the case.

The case studies project highlights some of the functionality of the IDV, THREDDS, and other Unidata technologies. The IDV is used to view and integrate catalogs and disparate data from distributed servers from a single application. Other technologies used are the THREDDS servers and cataloging service, ADDE (Abstract Distributed Data Environment) servers, OPeNDAP (Open-source Project for a Network Data Access Protocol) servers, HTTP (Hypertext Transfer Protocol), and (WMS) Web Map Servers. They key technology being used is RAMADDA which allows users to contribute back either additional datasets relevant to the case study, curriculum, or their own perspectives of an event, thus allowing for a dynamic case study that can grow and be enriched over time.

Additional Information
For more information on the Case Studies project, see the Case Study Library available in Unidata's RAMADDA respository.
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Project Collaborators

The Unidata Program Center is collaborating with the following entities on the case studies project: