McIDAS-VMcIDAS-V is a free, open source, visualization and data analysis software package built in collaboration between the Space Science and Engineering Center (SSEC) and Unidata. The new McIDAS, dubbed McIDAS-V, is based on the SSEC-developed VisAD software and the Unidata Integrated Data Viewer (IDV) reference application and library. This Java-based system includes the capabilities and output products of the current McIDAS-X and the new powerful processing, analysis and display capabilities of the VisAD and IDV libraries.

Future developments in the IDV will benefit McIDAS-V, while advances in some McIDAS-specific areas made in McIDAS-V will be adapted and incorporated in the IDV. This approach allows current McIDAS users to more easily move into the next generation of meteorological and geophysical data analysis.

Additional Information
For more information on the McIDAS-V project, see the McIDAS-V home page at the SSEC Data Center.
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Project Collaborators

The Unidata Program Center is collaborating with the following entities on the McIDAS-V project: