Research and Economic Development Division
1000 E University Avenue
Laramie, WY 82071
Research focuses on enhanced-oil recovery activities including screening methods for assisting decision-making. A combination of data mining and analytical simulation assists in the creation of simplified decision spaces.
The development of a unified methodology for seismic source and Earth structure inversions in a fully 3D setting, including: real-time seismic inversion in 3D structure models, full 3D tomography using seismic waveform, and numerical modeling.
Research focuses on multigrid methods and simulation of contaminant transport, wildland fires, combustion and ocean circulation using dynamic data-driven application systems techniques.
Research addresses the mesoscale dynamics of precipitating systems, boundary-layer circulations over flat and complex terrain, cloud dynamics and cloud and precipitation radars.
Research involves multiscale methods for partial differential equations,finite volume and finite difference methods, numerical and iterative methods for partial differential equations, an d mathematical and numerical models for flow in porous media.
Research focuses on mathematical modeling, multiscale processes, stochastic analysis, Monte Carlo Simulations, computational fluid dynamics, turbulence, combustion, and multiphase flows.
Research concerns theoretical studies of planet formation and computational astrophysics.
Research involves computational seismology including seismic modeling, seismic inversion, and seismic anisotropy. Developing seismic modeling and inversion methodologies and applying them in solving real problems.
Research focuses on the development of unstructured mesh methods for computational fluid dynamics, including discretization methods, solution methods such as multigrid and implicit methods for steady-state and time-accurate simulations, unstructured grid generation techniques and adaptive and moving mesh strategies.
Areas of expertise include watershed hydrology, hydrologic modeling, GIS and spatial analyses in natural resources, landscape ecology and geomorphology.
Research interests: Experimental fluid dynamics and aerodynamics, characterization of turbulent flows, control of turbulence flows; Instrumentation, wall shear stress measurement techniques in aerodynamic flows; Wind Energy.
Research in runoff generation in tropics, arid and semi-arid regions; hydrologic modeling and engineering; watershed scale erosion/deposition modeling; hydrological applications of GIS and remote sensing of rainfall; computational hydraulics; and physical hydraulic modeling.
Multiphase flow in porous media with applications to oil and gas recovery, pore-scale modeling of displacement processes, two-and three-phase relative permeabilities (measurement and prediction), wettability, and CO2 sequestration and leakage.
Research in Human-Centered Computing (HCC), and Human-Computer Interaction, specifically in the usability and evaluation relative to the effects of human interaction with 3-D User Interfaces, Visualizations, Virtual Environments and Virtual Humans.
Iterative methods, preconditioning techniques, multigrid decomposition, and parallel computations.
Research interests in coupled thermal-hydraulic-mechanical-chemical(THMC) modeling and soft computing in petroleum geomechanics.
Research interests include reservoir modeling and its application in waste disposal/sequestration, parameter estimation (forward upscaling and inverse calibration), high-performance computing, and sedimentary basin hydrogeology.
Research and Economic Development Division
1000 E University Avenue
Laramie, WY 82071