If you wish to make an update to your department or unit's information, you must follow these instructions.
(University Operations)
Jennifer Coast, Deputy Dir ......766-2537
Josh Decker, Proj Mgr, Sr .....766-2937
Sam Farstad, Proj Mgr, Sr ......766-2024
Katie Lang, Space Allocation Mgr .....766-2846
Matthew Newman, Campus Architect .....766-2407
(University Operations)
Frank Barrows, Fac. Eng Mgr ......766-4974
Brad Gill, Proj Mgr, Const & Design …..399-2694
Charlie Jahner, Proj Mgr, Const & Design ......760-0815
Nat Dyck, Design Engineer .....766-2083
Sterling Leinen, Design Engineer ......766-6660
Randy Layton, Design Engineer .....766-6669
Dave Turula, Design Engineer ......766-2040
Ainsley Thrailkill, Design Engineer ......766-2033
Erin Radosevich, Project Mgr, Constr & Design .....766-8510
Michael Ziemann, Engineer LEED .....766-2226
Dept. 3961, 1000 E. University Ave.
Merica Hall, Rm. 323
Renee Laegreid, Chair .....766-4080
Tracy Blakeman, Coord .....766-5348
Dept. 3354, 1000 E. University Ave.
Ag Bldg. Rm. 251
Email .....fam-consci@uwyo.edu
Fax .....766-5686
Jill Keith, Head .....766-5248, jkeith5@uwyo.edu
Tracy Bennett, Accountant .....766-4146, tbennett@uwyo.edu
Christopher Weber, Office Assoc, Sr .....766-4145, cweber@uwyo.edu
Human Development and Family Sciences .....766-5688, bsteinma@uwyo.edu
Professional Child Development .....766-5688, bsteinma@uwyo.edu
Didactic Program in Nutrition and Dietetics .....766-5688, jchalcra@uwyo.edu
Human Nutrition & Food .....766-5248, jkeith5@uwyo.edu
Design, Merchandising and Textiles .....766-5152, eirick@uwyo.edu
Apparel Design and Product Development .....766-5152, eirick@uwyo.edu
Interior Design .....766-5355, treva@uwyo.edu
Merchandising .....766-5152, eirick@uwyo.edu
1522 E "A" St, Casper, WY 82601
Fax .....(307)234-7033
Clinic/Residency Admin ..... (307) 234-6161
Brian Veauthier, M.D., Dir .....(307) 232-6021
821 E 18th St, Cheyenne, WY 82001
Fax .....(307) 638-3616
Patient Care Clinic .....(307) 632-2434
Residency Administration .....(307) 777-7911
Evan Norby, D.O., Dir .....(307) 777-7911
Albany Community Health Clinic
2710 Harney St., Suite 202, Laramie, WY 82072
Fax .....766-3316
Email .....scheduling@achc.hush.com
Clinic .....766-3313
After Hours .....(307) 632-2434
Sara Dalton, Dir .....(307) 766-3313
Dept. 3414, 1000 E. University Ave.
Fieldhouse North Rm. 47
Allison Pisano, Office Asst, Sr. .....766-2103
Dept. 3982, 1000 E. University Ave.
Old Main Rm. 202
Fax .....766-3436/766-4836
Neil Theobald, Sr VP for Finance and Administration .....766-5768
Ashlie Reese, Assoc VP for Finance .....766-4391
Alex Kean, Assoc VP for Budget & Planning .....766-9028
Forrest Selmer, Interim Assoc VP for UW Operations .....766-2077
Deborah Marutzky, Interim Assoc VP, HR .....766-5613
Katy Hudson, Coord Financial Services .....766-4833
Mike Samp, Chief of Police .....766-5179
Merica Hall, 2nd Floor East
Main Office .....766-4340
Email .....FAST@uwyo.edu
Dept. 3923, 1000 E. University Ave.
Knight Hall Rm. 172
Fax .....766-3633
Aaron Courtney, AVP, Budget & Inst Planning .....766-3205
Student Financial Services
Dept. 3923, Knight Hall Rm. 172
Sarah Dahlberg, Mgr, Student Financial Srvs .....766-6691
Student Charges & Billing Information .....766-6233
Medical & Short Term University Loans .....766-3214
Cashier's Office
Dept. 3903, Knight Hall Rm. 170
ShaeC Cooper, Supv .....766-2313
Fine Arts Building, Lobby
Fax .....766-2560
Email .....faticket@uwyo.edu
Mgr .....766-6666
Donald L. Veal Research Flight Center
5766 Old Highway 130, Laramie, WY
Laramie Regional Airport
Office .....742-2435
Fax .....721-5079
Flight Center Dir .....766-4945
Scheduling .....766-5352
222 S. 22 St.
Marian H. Rochelle Gateway Center
Foundation Reception (3rd Floor) .....766-6300
Simpson Welcome Desk (1st Floor) .....766-6300
Fax .....766-4045
Management Team
John Stark, President/ CEO .....766-3930
Jill Higham, Sr. VP for Development .....766-4000
Philip Treick, Chief Investment Officer .....766-3989
Troy Caserta, VP for Financial Services .....766-3971
Toby Marlatt, VP for Strategic Initiatives & Communications .....766-5085
Elizabeth Jenkins, VP for Advancement Services .....766-4555
Joshua Carroll, Dir, MHRG Center .....766-4556
Josh Christmas, Mgr, MHRGC Center .....766-3950
Sahala Shoemaker, Coord, MHRGC Center .....766-1734
Gary Gaulke, Facilities Spec, MHRGC Center .....766-6300
Leland Gaulke, Facilities Spec, MHRGC Center .....766-6300
Annual Giving & Donor Experience Officer Program
Clancee Rea, Dir of Annual Giving & Donor Experience Program .....766-3979
Emilee O'Brien, Annual Giving Mgr .....766-3972
Lillian Fiest, Annual Giving Coord .....766-3893
Douglas Hammond, Sr Donor Experience Officer .....766-3981
Jordan Robertus, Donor Experience Officer .....766-3965
Tate Noble, Donor Experience Officer .....766-3975
Brett Befus, Assoc VP for Development .....766-4259
Katrina McGee, Sr Dir of Foundation Development & Research Collaborations .....766-4266
Angela Ver Ploeg, Sr Dir of Corporate Engagement .....766-1939
Emma Jane Alexander, Dir of Industry Engagement .....766-3040
Craig Russow, Sr Major Gift Officer ......766-1803
Tyler Spear, Sr Major Gift Officer .....766-3901
Katie Kern, Sr Major Gift Officer .....766-4364
John Paradis, Sr. Major Gift Officer .....766-3809
Shannon Mosness, Sr. Major Gift Officer .....766-6300
Faryn Babbitt, Major Gift Officer .....766-1801
Sarah Chevalier, Major Gift Officer .....766-3963
Hailey Dungan, Major Gift Officer .....766-4551
Tess Snow, Major Gift Officer .....766-3083
Kenner Fry, Major Gift Officer ....766-6300
Lucus Hansen, Major Gift Officer .....766-3831
Teddi Freedman, Major Gift Officer .....766-3967
Erica Roybal, Planned Giving Assoc .....766-4594
Administrative Services
Deborah Martinez, Director of Board Relations and Administrative Services .....766-3844
Brandyn Brummond, Administrative Services Supervisor .....766-3848
Jesica Mora, Coord, Foundation Affairs .....766-3569
Annalyssa Beamesderfer, Administrative Associate.....766-3776
Courtney Lowrey, Administrative Associate.....766-3941
Financial Services
Kendall Gonzales, Controller .....766-3945
Rachael Hulet, Assoc Controller.....766-3933
Adrianna Washington, Sr. Investment Accountant.....766-6300
Roberta Johnson, Compliance Auditor.....766-3840
Brenda Vanderpool, Sr Accountant .....766-4557
JoLee Carter, Sr Accountant .....766-3921
Beck Herman, Accountant .....766-3624
Jessa Brooks, Accountant .....766-1997
Kelly Dene-Martin, Employment Mgr .....766-4584
Janet Brook, Admin Assoc .....766-3615
Kathryn Babbitt, Gift Processing Sprvr .....766-4550
Gayla Baldwin, Donor Accounts Spec, Sr .....766-3946
Natalie Ziegenhorn, Donor Accounts Spec .....766-3904
Bobbi Huston, Donor Accounts Spec .....766-3928
Investment Services
Brady Goyn, Portfolio Mgr & Investment Analyst .....766-3933
Joe Briones, Portfolio Mgr & Investment Analyst .....766-4845
Mac Festa, Investment Analyst .....766-3959
Advancement Services
Cheryl Baker, Dir of Information Services .....766-3957
Matthew Hatton, Assoc Dir of Information Services .....766-3062
Jay Wuensch, Progammer Analyst, Exec .....766-3931
Shital Shinde, Progammer Analyst, Exec .....766-4553
Jagadish Bapanapally, Progammer Analyst, Exec .....766-4580
Austin Palmer, Technical Support Lead .....766-3718
Lisa Owen, Computer Support Spec, Sr .....766-5079
Mike Lang, Computer Support Spec, Sr .....766-4149
Kristin Morrison, Dir of Donor Relations .....766-3911
Jessica Baker, Campus Stewardship Engagement Coord .....766-4552
Robyn Hardesty, Development & Stewardship Assoc .....766-0975
Cayden Ferrin, Dir of Prospect Development .....766-3614
Nathan Aagard, Assoc Dir of Data Science .....766-3842
Mademine Zimmer, Donor & Prospect Strategy Mgr .....766-4001
Dahara Balage Don, Prospect Development & Contituent Analyst I .....766-3948
Elyse Johnson, Prospect Development and Constituent Analyst I .....766-4263
Elizabeth Candler, Dir of Gift Administration .....766-3003
Mary Kate-Gorman, Gift Agreement Coord .....766-3982
Courtney Titus, Gift Agreement Coord .....766-4003
Jessica Stugart, Data Integrity Mgr .....766-3953
Richard Larson, Data Control Spec .....766-4162
Madison Marces, Data Control Spec .....766-3943
Marketing & Communications
Abigail Gerhard, Mgr, Marketing .....766-3902
Tamara Linse, Content & Web Strategy Mgr .....766-3915
Sunnie Lew, Content & Web Strategy Mgr .....766-3964
Cassidy Biggs, Content & Web Strategy Mgr .....766-4029
Austin Jackson, Digital Media Editor .....766-1996
Daine Gostas, Digital Media Editor .....766-4595
Missy Samp, Proposal and Report Writer .....766-3936
Dept. 3354, 1000 E. University Ave.
Ag Building, Rm 112
Wyoming State 4-H Office .....766-5170
4-H Foundation .....766-2528
Dept. 3625, 1000 E. University Ave.
Wyoming Union, Rm 010
Email .....fsl@uwyo.edu
Erik Kahl, Coord .....766-2752
Jacque Rickett, Prog Advisor .....766-3500
Erin Wendover, Coord FSL .....766-6306
Alpha Sigma Phi
Alpha Gamma Rho
Kappa Sigma
Lambda Chi Alpha
Phi Sigma Nu
Pi Kappa Alpha
Sigma Alpha Epsilon
Sigma Chi
Sigma Nu
Sigma Phi Epsilon
Alpha Pi Omega
Chi Omega
Delta Delta Delta
Kappa Kappa Gamma
Phi Sigma Rho
Sigma Alpha
Dept. 3334, 1000 E. University Ave.
Coe Library, Rm. 219
Fax .....766-4822
Email .....figs@uwyo.edu
Mollie Hand, Coord .....766-2325
Dept. 3431, 1000 E. University Ave.
Anthropology Bldg. (AARF) Rm. 203A
Robert L. Kelly, Dir .....766-3548/6920
Mary Lou Larson, Assoc. Dir .....766-5566/6920
Jacqueline Hauptman, Office Asst, Sr .....766-6920
George C. Frison, Hon Dir .....766-5137
Labs .....766-6935
(Student Publications)
Dept. 3625, 1000 E. University Ave.
Wyoming Union Rm. 302
Office .....766-3819
Advertising Sales .....766-6336
Dept. 3036, 1000 E. University Ave.
Ross Hall Rm. 316
Email .....mpiri@uwyo.edu
Mohammad Piri, Dir .....766-3954
The University Directory is an online version of the printed University of Wyoming Directory printed once a year. The online directory is updated throughout the year by following the submission guidelines.
Undergraduate and Graduate
Got a Question?
email: admissions@uwyo.edu
(307) 766-5160
Information Technology
(307) 766-4357 (Help Desk)
Academic Support - Student Computing
Ask IT - Online Resources
Intercollegiate Athletics
(307) 766-2292
International Students and Scholars
(307) 766-5193
Online and Continuing Education
(307) 766-4300
Residence Life and Dining Services
(307) 766-3175
(307) 766-5272
Scholarships and Financial Aid
(307) 766-2116
Wyoming Union
(307) 766-3160
If you wish to make an update to your department or unit's information, you must follow these instructions.