If you wish to make an update to your department or unit's information, you must follow these instructions.
Dept. 3971
Bim Kendall House
804 E. Fremont St.
Offices also in Crane Hall, Beta House, WCC House and Berry Center
Central Reception .....766-5080
Email: Haub School .....haub.school@uwyo.edu
Email: Ruckelshaus Institute .....ruckelshaus@uwyo.edu
John Koprowski, Dean .....766-5080
Temple Stoellinger, Assoc Dean .....766-6450
Colleen Bourque, Admin Assoc .....766-5306
Anastasia Brady, Special Events Coord.....766-6979
Shawn Bunning, Grants Spec .....766-5353
Jon Cabrera, Marketing and Communications Spec .....766-5080
Kim Messersmith, Business Mgr .....766-5058
John Paradis, Dir of Development .....766-3809
Student Services
Aaron Freland, Academic Advising Mgr .....766-5088
Bri Arnbrecht, Advising and Alumni Relations .....766-5067
A. Harper, Advising and Career Services .....766-2701
Jordan Kobliska, Internships and Employment .....766-5192
Melanie Matthews, Advising and Field Courses .....766-5080
Matt McGee, Tomé Recruiter and College Relations Rep .....766-5080
Nicole Gautier, Prospective Graduate Students .....766-2068
Temple Stoellinger, Prospective JDMA Students .....766-6450
Ruckelshaus Institute
Melanie Armstrong, Dir .....766-5037
Birch Malotky, Emerging Issue Coord & Western Confluence .....766-5146
Wyoming Conservation Corps
Tyler Carroll, Program Coord .....766-3048
Biodiversity Institute
Brent Ewers, Dir .....766-6745
Jay Kemmerer WORTH Institute
Dan McCoy, Dir .....766-5009
Email .....healthierwyo@uwyo.edu
Main Office .....766-2829
Dept. 3432, 1000 E. University Ave.
Health Sciences Center, Rm. 235
Main Office .....766-3495
Patrick Hardigan, Dean .....766-3495
Jeanne Moede, College Coord .....766-3495
Mark Belcher, Marketing and Comm Spec .....766-3244
Derek Smith, Special Asst to the Dean .....766-6052
Undergraduate/Pre-professional Advising
Health Sciences Center, Rm. 114
Email .....hsadvise@uwyo.edu
Craig Vaske, Mgr, Student Advising .....766-3499
Krista Howe, Academic Advising Professional, Sr .....766-3878
Communication Disorders
Health Sciences Center, Rm. 265
Mark Guiberson, Dir .....766-3985
Kinesiology & Health
Corbett Bldg. Rm. 107
Qin Zhu, Dir .....766-5271
Fay W. Whitney School of Nursing
Health Sciences Center, Rm. 351B
Sherrill J. Smith, Dean .....766-4312
Pharmacy, School of
Health Sciences Center, Rm. 294
Kem Krueger, Dean .....766-6120
Social Work
Health Sciences Center, Rm. 310
Email .....sowkmail@uwyo.edu
Valerie Thompson-Ebanks, Dir .....766-5639
UW/Casper College Center .....307-268-2713
Wyoming Institute for Disabilities (WIND)
Health Sciences Center, Rm. 147
Michelle Jarman, Dir .....766-2761
Medical Contract Program (WWAMI) and Dental Contract Program (WYDENT)
Undergraduate and Pre-professional Health Advising
Health Sciences Center, Rm. 114
Craig Vaske, Mgr, Student Advising .....766-3499
Dental Hygiene Program
Health Sciences Center, Rm. 236B
Craig Vaske, Coord .....766-3499
Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE)
Health Sciences Center, Rm. 114
Craig Vaske, Mgr., Student Advising .....766-3499
Wyoming Rural Health Institute
Bryant Smalley, Executive Dir., Wyoming Excellence Chair, Professor .....766-2114
UW Speech, Hearing & Telepractice Clinic
Health Sciences Center, Rm. 160
Fax .....766-6829
Clinic .....766-6426
Student Health Pharmacy
Cheney International Building, First Floor, East side
Pharmacy .....766-6602
Albany Community Health Clinic
2710 Harney St., Suite 202, Laramie, WY 82072
Fax .....766-3316
Clinic .....766-3313
Sara Dalton, Dir .....(307) 766-3313
UW Family Medicine - Casper
1522 E "A" St, Casper, WY 82601
Fax .....234-7033
Clinic .....234-6161
Brian Veauthier, M.D., Dir .....(307) 234-6161
UW Family Medicine - Cheyenne
821 E 18th St, Cheyenne, WY 82001
Fax .....638-3616
Clinic .....632-2434
Evan Norby, D.O., Dir .....777-7911
Dept. 3165, 1000 E. University Ave. Aven Nelson Bldg. 3rd Floor
David Tank, Director .....766-4276
Burrell "Ernie" Nelson, Curator .....766-2236
Ben Legler, Curator .....766-2236
Dept. 3395 1000 E. University Avenue
Native American Education Research and Cultural Center 203
Tarissa Spoonhunter, Dir .....766-8957
Nichole Lumadue, Proj Mgr .....nlumadue@uwyo.edu
Dept. 3198, 1000 E. University Ave.
History Bldg. Rm. 158
Email .....uwhistory@uwyo.edu
Main Office .....766-5101
Jeffrey Means, Dept Chair .....766-3198, jmeans4@uwyo.edu
Adam Blackler, Dir of Grad Studies .....766-5142, ablackle@uwyo.edu
Melissa Hampton, Undergrad Advising Coord .....766-5121, melissa.hampton@uwyo.edu
Kevin Chancellor, Busn Mgr .....766-5318, kchancel@uwyo.edu
Clayleen Rivord, Office Assoc, Sr .....766-5102 crivord@uwyo.edu
Mady Danko, Office Assoc .....766-5101 mdanko1@uwyo.edu
Dept. 3413, 1000 E. University Ave.
Guthrie House
1200 Ivinson St.
Email .....honors@uwyo.edu
Peter Parolin Dean .....766-4110
Jeanette Lamb, Office Assoc .....766-4110
Dept. 3394, 1000 E. University Ave.
Washakie Center, Lower Level
Fax .....766-3613
Email ..... living@uwyo.edu
Main Number .....766-3175
Housing and Dining Leadership Team
Eric Webb, Assoc Vice President, Business Enterprises .....766-3059
Kaylyn Greenawalt, Dir, Shared Business Srvcs .....766-3829
Kim Zafft, Director, Housing .....766-6503
Abby Bey, Dir, Dining .....766-6252
Derek Jones, Dir, Catering and Events .....766-3024
Shared Business Services
Business Office .....766-2288
Email .....RDBus@uwyo.edu
Kaylyn Greenawalt, Dir, Shared Business Srvcs .....766-3829
Rebecca Watanabe, Business Mgr, Shared Business Srvces .....766-2288
Stephanie Lownds, Marketing & Communications Spec, Business Enterprises .....766-5096
Catering & Events
UW Conference Center
Office .....766-2050
Derek Jones, Dir .....766-3064
Joseph Sanchez, Asst Dir .....766-2057
Andrew Frederick, Mgr, Catering & Events .....766-2050
Tolulope Oduyomi, Asst Catering Mgr .....766-2050
Michelle Ury Foist, Asst Mgr Catering Mgr .....766-2050
Eddie Perez, Contracts Coord .....766-2050
Nic Behnke, Audio/Visual Tech, Sr .....766-2057
Kim Zafft, Dir, Housing .....766-6503
Carrie Gamez, Mgr, Housing & Dining Contracts .....766-3670
Serra Lutzen, Office Assoc .....766-5097
Amanda Juarez, Leasing Coord, Contracts .....766-6980
Amber Vigil, Conference Coord .....766-3858
Nicole Fifield, Mgr Custodial .....766-3640
Todd Mendick, Mgr, Maintenance ....766-6498
Washakie Dining Center
Amy Bey, Dir, Dining .....766-6252
Vaishali Chitnis, Assoc Dir, Dining .....766-5371
Jesse Reese, Asst Dir, Dining .....766-3260
Cindy Bernaski, Mgr, Dining .....766-3312
Alex Faber, Asst Mgr, Dining .....766-6614
Matthew Branson, Executive Chef, Dining .....766-3348
Kodi Davis, Executive Pastry Chef, Bakery ....766-2480
Jessica Apodaca, Purchasing Mgr, Dining .....766-5095
Wyoming Union Food Court & Campus Dining Operations
Scott Strannigan, Mgr, Campus Retail Services .....766-3626
Violet Ruben-Hodges, Asst Mgr, Union Food Court, CJ’s .....766-6269
Sydney Ernst, Asst Mgr, Rolling Mill Café, Elements, Encore, Book & Bean .....766-6269
Jenny Pursley, Area Su Rendezvous Cafe .....766-3626
Kourtney Schroetlin, Area Supervisor, Einstein Brothers' Bagels .....766-6269
David Livingston, Area Supervisor, Chick-fil-A .....766-6269
Daniel Kennedy, Area Supervisor, Chick-fil-A .....766-6269
High Altitude Performance Center, Training Table
CJ Stakes, Asst Director, Dining .....766-5095
Jacob Ourada, Chef, Dining .....766-5095
Residence Life
Ryan Schamp, Dir of Residence Life & Associ Dean of Students .....766-3504
Taryn Wright, Assoc Dir of Residence Life.....766-4164
Kaleb Pullam, Asst Dir of Curriculum & Community Dev .....766-4230
Residence Halls
Downey Hall Desk .....766-2126
McIntyre Hall Desk .....766-2265
White Hall Desk .....766-2277
Kaleb Pullam, Residence Coord, Downey Hall & Tobin House .....766-3577
Cole Thomas, Residence Coord, White Hall .....766-3873
Cheyenne Ferrin, Residence Coord, McIntyre Hall .....766-3683
UW Apartments
Main Office .....766-3176
Katelyn Randall, Graudate Residence Coord .....766-3550
Amanda Juarez, Leasing Coord, Contracts .....766-6980
Dept. 3422, 1000 E. University Ave.
Laramie, WY 82071-2000
Hill Hall, 3rd Floor
Fax .....766-5607
Bob Link, Assoc VP, HR .....766-5600
Amy Ernst, Business Manager .....766-5601
Hill Hall, Room 339, 341, 343
Fax .....766-5636
Kira A. Poulson, Mgr .....766-4220
Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), Leave Without Pay, Sick Leave Donations
Hill Hall, Room 343
Christian Carter, Benefits Spec .....766-2290
Retirement/Insurance (Life, Health, Dental)/Flexible Spending Plan/Tuition Waivers/New
Employee Orientation
Hill Hall, Room 339
Cherise Laud, Benefits & Retirement Spec, Sr .....766-2437
Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Accommodation, Workers' Compensation, Military Leave/Unemployment
Hill Hall, Room 343
David Heath, Benefits & Leave Spec, Sr .....766-5693
Hill Hall, Room 314, 315
Ann Lyda, Mgr .....766-5056
Marilyn Johnson, Compensation Analyst .....766-5057
Employee Relations, Exit Interviews
Hill Hall, Room 340, 342
Renee Ballard, Employee Relations Spec, Sr .....766-2438
Kimberly Briones, Employee Relations Spec .....766-5484
Employment Recruitment Information/Job Postings/ Advertisements
Hill Hall, Room 317, 318, 319, 320, 327
Deborah Marutzky, Mgr, Talent Acquisition .....766-5612
Tiffany Kautzsch, Employment & Staffing Prtnr, Sr .....766-2258
Katelyn Hargrove, Employment & Staffing Prtnr .....766-5654
Kate Colman, Employment & Staffing Prtnr .....766-5606
Catherine Conard, Employment & Staffing Prtnr .....766-6144
Kelly Bradley, Employment & Staffing Prtnr .....766-2216
Taylor Campbell, Employment & Staffing Prtnr .....766-5604
Vic Pumilio, HR Specialist .....766-2377
Main Desk, Form I-9 .....766-2377
Records/Employment Verifications
Hill Hall, Room 306, 307
Terrin Beierle, HR Spec, Sr .....766-2259
Liz McDade, HR Spec .....766-2223
Training & Professional Development
Hill Hall, Room 342,344
Jennifer Brown, HR Training Spec .....766-5665
Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action
Hill Hall 303
Vacant, Mgr Inclusivity Initiatives .....766-1603
The University Directory is an online version of the printed University of Wyoming Directory printed once a year. The online directory is updated throughout the year by following the submission guidelines.
Undergraduate and Graduate
Got a Question?
email: admissions@uwyo.edu
(307) 766-5160
Information Technology
(307) 766-4357 (Help Desk)
Academic Support - Student Computing
Ask IT - Online Resources
Intercollegiate Athletics
(307) 766-2292
International Students and Scholars
(307) 766-5193
Online and Continuing Education
(307) 766-4300
Residence Life and Dining Services
(307) 766-3175
(307) 766-5272
Scholarships and Financial Aid
(307) 766-2116
Wyoming Union
(307) 766-3160
If you wish to make an update to your department or unit's information, you must follow these instructions.