If you wish to make an update to your department or unit's information, you must follow these instructions.
Physical Science Bldg. Rm. 25 .....766-4337
McWhinnie Hall
UW Postal Service .....766-4297
Dept. 3275, 1000 E. University Ave.
College of Business, Business Bldg. Rm. 354
Fax .....766-3488
Email .....uwmgtmkt@uwyo.edu
Main Office .....766-3124
Chase Thiel, Dept Chair .....766-2054
A center of the University of Wyoming and a member of the MEP National Network/National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST)
Dept. 3362, 1000 E. University Avenue
Office Annex, Rm. 27
State Headquarters Office .....766-4811
Rocky Case, Dir .....766-4817, cell 307-220-1264
Email .....rcase@uwyo.edu
Tyler O’Daniel, Asst Dir .....308-430-0366
Email ......todaniel@uwyo.edu
Carson Rasmussen, Business Mgr .....766-4812, cell 307-760-7590
Email .....carson@uwyo.edu
Laramie (Southwest Wyoming)
Sean Schaub, Acct & Proj Mgr .....307-851-5905
Email .....sschaub@uwyo.edu
Sheridan (Northern Wyoming)
Adam Lopez, Acct & Proj Mgr .....307-630-3727
Email .....alopez4@uwyo.edu
Riverton (West/Central Wyoming)
Kevin A. Kershisnik, Field Rep .....307-856-0952
Email .....idea.KevinK@gmail.com
Casper (East/Central Wyoming)
Kevin Kershisnik, Acct & Proj Mgr .....307-856-0952, cell 307-851-9592
Email .....kkershis@uwyo.edu
Cheyenne (Southeast Wyoming)
Michael Grundy, Acct & Proj Mgr .....503-804-6754
Email .....mgrundy@uwyo.edu
Alyssa E. Ernste, Sr Project Coord .....307-274-0441
Email .....aernste@uwyo.edu
Dept. 3905, 1000 E. University Ave.
Physical Science Bldg. Rm. 210
Fax .....766-2652
Email .....wsgc@uwyo.edu
Office .....766-2862
Patrick Johnson, Dir .....766-6524
Paul Johnson, NASA EPSCOR/WY NASA Space Grant Dir .....766-6267
Office Assoc .....766-2862
Dept. 3036, 1000 E. University Ave.
Ross Hall Rm. 327
Office .....766-4221
Email, Math .....gauss@uwyo.edu
Email, Statistics .....statistics@uwyo.edu
Jason Williford, Dept Head .....766-2209
Tim Robinson, Prog Dir, Statistics .....(307) 761-5159
Roman Winter, Office Assoc, Sr .....766-4221
Math Registration and Placement Exams
Ross Hall Rm. 29
David Anton, Math Lab & Placement Dir .....766-6577
Jenna Krieschel, CASM & Math Placement Coord .....766-6831
AS/MB Bldg. Rm. 136
Kyle Phillips, Mgr .....766-4163
Dept. 3295, 1000 E. University Ave.
Engineering Bldg. Rm. 2052
Email .....me.info@uwyo.edu
Ray Fertig, Interim Head and Prof .....766-3647
Amy C. Reed, Office Assoc, Sr .....766-2122
Ike Ruse, Engineer, Sr .....766-2122
Area Health Education Center (AHEC)
Dept. 3432, 1000 E. University Ave.
Marivern Easton, Dir .....766-26751
UW Family Medicine Residency Program/Casper
1522 E "A" St, Casper, WY 82601
Fax .....234-7033
Clinic .....234-6161
Brian Veauthier, M.D., Dir .....(307) 234-6161
UW Family Medicine Residency Program/Cheyenne
821 E 18th St, Cheyenne, WY 82001
Fax .....638-3616
Clinic .....632-2434
Evan Norby, D.O., Dir .....777-7911
Albany Community Health Clinic
1174 N. 22nd St. Laramie, WY 82072
Fax .....766-3316
Email .....achc@uwyo.edu
Clinic .....766-3313
After Hours .....(307) 632-2434
Richelle Keinath, Dir .....(307) 766-3313
WWAMI Medical Education Program
Dept. 4238, 1000 E. University Ave.
Health Sciences Center, Rm. 457B
Tim Robinson, Dir .....766-2496
Dept. 3944, 1000 E. University Ave.
Ag Bldg. Rm. 5004
Fax .....766-3875
Email .....gandrews@uwyo.edu
Gerry Andrews, Dir .....766-3139
Dept. 3603, 1000 E. University Ave.
Hoyt Hall, Rm. 126
Fax .....766-2727
Email ..... languages@uwyo.edu
Main Office .....766-4176
Joy Landeira, Head .....766-4852
Kevin Chancellor, Business Manager .....766-2867
Gwynn Lemler, Office Assoc, Sr .....766-6453
Laszlo Somlyay, Office Assoc .....766-4176
Yan Zhang, Section Leader .....yzhang@uwyo.edu
Classical Languages
Laura De Lozier, Section Leader .....delozier@uwyo.edu
Khama-Bassili Tolo, Section Leader .....kbtolo@uwyo.edu
Rebecca Steele, Section Leader .....rsteele4@uwyo.edu
Noah Miles, Section Leader .....nmiles1@uwyo.edu
Joy Landeira, Section Leader .....jlandier@uwyo.edu
Dept. 3944, 1000 E. University Ave.
Science Initiative Building, 2nd Floor
Fax .....766-5098
Email .....mcls@uwyo.edu
Dan Levy, Dir .....(307) 417-0354
Dept. 3944, 1000 E. University Ave.
Science Initiative Building, 2nd Floor
Main Office .....766-3300
Fax .....766-5098
Email .....mbiology@uwyo.edu
Jay Gatlin, Chair .....766-3498
Marissa Gannon, Accountant .....766-3300
Yana Nightingale, Office Assoc .....766-3300
(Zoology and Physiology)
1000 E. University Ave.
Berry Center
Matthew Carling, Faculty Curator .....(307) 223-1762
Elizabeth Wommack, Staff Curator .....766-6227
Dept. 3037, 1000 E. University Ave.
Buchanan Center for the Performing Arts, Rm. 2022
Fax .....766-5326
Main Office .....766-5242
Ben Markley, Chair .....766-3894
Business Mgr .....766-5220
Email, Bands .....uwbands@uwyo.edu
Dir .....766-3877
Western Thunder Marching Band
Joseph Carver, Dir .....766-5244
Brian Murray, Dir .....766-5242
Symphony Orchestra
Michael Griffith, Dir .....766-3069
Buchanan Center for the Performing Arts Box Office .....766-6666
The University Directory is an online version of the printed University of Wyoming Directory printed once a year. The online directory is updated throughout the year by following the submission guidelines.
Undergraduate and Graduate
Got a Question?
email: admissions@uwyo.edu
(307) 766-5160
Information Technology
(307) 766-4357 (Help Desk)
Academic Support - Student Computing
Ask IT - Online Resources
Intercollegiate Athletics
(307) 766-2292
International Students and Scholars
(307) 766-5193
Online and Continuing Education
(307) 766-4300
Residence Life and Dining Services
(307) 766-3175
(307) 766-5272
Scholarships and Financial Aid
(307) 766-2116
Wyoming Union
(307) 766-3160
If you wish to make an update to your department or unit's information, you must follow these instructions.