If you wish to make an update to your department or unit's information, you must follow these instructions.
Dept. 3707, 1000 E. University Ave.
Cheney International Center, Suite 106
Fax .....766-3259
Email .....uwyoabd@uwyo.edu
Office .....766-3677
(School of Culture, Gender & Social Justice)
Dept. 4297, 1000 E. University Ave.
Ross Hall, Rm. 223
Physical Location: Native American Education, Research and Cultural Center, 200 S. 10th St.
Fax .....766-2555
Email .....scgsj@uwyo.edu
Main Office .....766-3122
Scott R. Seville, Dir .....766-3362
David Fay, Assoc Dir ..... davidfay@uwyo.edu
Nick Blouin, Dir, Data Science Cor ..... nblouin@uwyo.edu
Florence Teulé-Finley, Prog Coord .....307-268-2710
Berry Center 322
Office .....766-2922
Terry McClean, Facility Director .....766-2922
Dept. 3065, 1000 E. University Ave. Health Sciences Center Rm. 351B
Fax .....766-4294
Email .....uwnursing@uwyo.edu
Office .....766-4312
Sherrill J. Smith, Dean .....766-4312
Karen Gorton, Assoc Dean .....766-4312
Lori Dockter, Business Mgr .....766-6569
Dawn Carver, Proj Coord, Sr .....766-6565
Kristine Isaak, Proj Coord .....766-4291
Denise Gable, Clinical Simulation Center Coord .....766-6573
Joanna Malmstrom, Prog and Clinical Placement Coord, Sr .....766-6561
Alexandra Revis, Office Assoc .....766-4312
Phebe Pavelka, Credentials Analyst/Acad Advisor .....766-4292
Ashlee Lawson, Credentials Analyst/Acad Advisor .....766-6574
Bachelor Programs
Carrie Barr, Prog Dir .....766-5538
Basic BSN
Email .....BasicBSN@uwyo.edu
BRAND (Accelerated BSN)
Email .....BRAND@uwyo.edu
BSN Completion (ReNEW & RN-BSN)
Email .....ReNEW@uwyo.edu or RN.BSN@uwyo.edu
Graduate/Post-Graduate Programs
Email .....gradnurse@uwyo.edu
Master of Science Program (MS), Nurse Educator & Nurse Leader Concentrations
Vacant, Prog Dir .....766-6566
Dawn Carver, Proj Coord, Sr .....766-6565
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP), FNP & PMHNP Concentrations
Ann Marie Hart, Prog Dir .....766-6564
Dawn Carver, Proj Coord, Sr .....766-6565
The University Directory is an online version of the printed University of Wyoming Directory printed once a year. The online directory is updated throughout the year by following the submission guidelines.
Undergraduate and Graduate
Got a Question?
email: admissions@uwyo.edu
(307) 766-5160
Information Technology
(307) 766-4357 (Help Desk)
Academic Support - Student Computing
Ask IT - Online Resources
Intercollegiate Athletics
(307) 766-2292
International Students and Scholars
(307) 766-5193
Online and Continuing Education
(307) 766-4300
Residence Life and Dining Services
(307) 766-3175
(307) 766-5272
Scholarships and Financial Aid
(307) 766-2116
Wyoming Union
(307) 766-3160
If you wish to make an update to your department or unit's information, you must follow these instructions.