The point or position at an equal distance from the sides, edges, or ends of something
“However, sometimes the center of mass is not in the center of the object.”
A place or component that is central to something
“Due to its strategic geographical location, the city has always served as a center of international trade.”
A place where the greater part of some function or activity occurs
“There's a huge train station in the center.”
An organization dedicated to a particular purpose
“The center for biochemical research is located a few blocks north of the university.”
An organization involved with science or education
“She had previously served as director of Professional Development and Outreach at the National Research Council's Center for Science, Mathematics, and Engineering Education.”
A building or place, typically assigned with a given or specific purpose
“There are many retail outlets in the new shopping center.”
Something which lies (centrally) in the interior of something else
“In the center of the fruit lies its giant seed.”
The principle on which an idea, activity or process is based on
The essential part of something
The local center of a large business
A state equally removed from two opposite extremes
A state equally removed from two opposite extremes
An inhabited area such as a country, city or town
Point of intersection, barycenter, or center of mass for an object, system, or geometric shape
A building dedicated to objects of scientific, historical, cultural or artistic value
The leading or most important position or place
A place to where people meet or assemble
A building or complex of buildings in which a legislature meets
A trendy or fashionable resort
An open, typically four-sided, area surrounded by buildings in a village, town, or city
A large room or building for indoor sports or events
A source or origin of something
To align or position in the center of
“Measure the dimensions of the wall so we can center the artwork perfectly.”
(center on) To concentrate on (something), to pay close attention to (something)
“Let's center our efforts on collectively increasing our productivity.”
To concentrate or draw together
“The organization would center all administrative duties under the command of a single person.”
To move things physically towards the centre
To base on a principle, idea, feeling or physical matter
(ride on) To rely or depend (on)
To restrict (something) to a particular place
Of, at, or related to a center
“The center layer of the cake was filled with cherries.”
(of a quantity) Calculated as a mean or average
“Data appears to be clustered around the center value.”
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