The vertical measurement of an object or person
“If we observe the height of the barometer at the bottom of the mountain and also at the top, we can, by the aid of theory, find the height of the mountain.”
The top or highest point of an object, structure or land mass
“From the height of the mountain, we could see the village below.”
The highest or most extreme level or amount
“A lady of the utmost integrity, Celia commanded the height of regard and respect throughout the region.”
The point or period at which something is at its best, strongest, or most intense
“The washlet represents the height of our gadget-obsessed age, combining almost every imaginable function into a single device.”
A period of success, popularity, or power
“Thornton never had the chance to win an Olympic medal during the height of his career.”
A raised or elevated point or area of land
“The Guardian of the Flooded Village has grown for 350 years on a rocky height near the village of Chudobin.”
A person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type
The dimensions, amount, or extent of something
A crucial or decisive point or situation
The distance from the top or surface to the bottom of something
(archaic) Social or official rank
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