Present participle for to lend money to someone, on the condition that it or its equivalent is returned
“Rather than making a gift, the Committee wishes to loan funds to the charity with full repayment expected.”
Present participle for to allow someone to use something temporarily, on the condition that it is returned
“DeLauria guessed that Pontecorva figured it was better to loan out a car than to provide a driver and vehicle whenever DeLauria needed one.”
Present participle for to borrow or receive on loan, typically a sum of money or an item
“We bought the house within a short time, and we had to loan some money from the bank.”
Present participle for to lend money to someone
Present participle for to charge a fee for the use of something
Present participle for to lease or rent out a property or object
Present participle for to charge a fee for the use of something
Present participle for to charge a fee for the use of something
Present participle for to commit someone or something to one's care
The action or practice of lending money at unreasonably high rates of interest
Related Words and Phrases