Adverb for displaying severe degradation and neglect
“He didn't want to buy into that cliche, although jazz did originate in rather sleazy places.”
Adverb for untidy or ungroomed in appearance
“Even though he wears an expensive suit, he looks unkempt and sleazy.”
Adverb for having a reputation for being immoral or dishonest
“You may challenge my ethics, call me a sleazy lawyer, but it is best for you.”
Adverb for promiscuous in nature, manner or behavior
“My mother would never allow me to become a sleazy home wrecker, and frankly, neither would I.”
Adverb for of low or mediocre quality
“He's maybe forty, wearing a sleazy jacket with the elbows worn thin.”
Adverb for flimsy, or made of flimsy material
“The cheap sleazy material takes the dye far better than the closely woven, more expensive muslin.”
Adverb for dirty or unclean, especially disgustingly so
Adverb for extremely unpleasant to the senses
Adverb for vulgar or coarse in nature
Adverb for cheap and gaudy
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