Young humans being below the age of puberty or below the legal age of majority
“She was scanned once a week from 30 weeks onwards because the tot was not putting on the expected amount of weight.”
Offspring, especially of an animal before or soon after birth
A crispy croquette made from shredded potatoes, also referred to as taters or tots
Plural for a small amount of a strong alcoholic drink
“Union officers simply looked away when they spotted one of their fatigued soldiers downing a tot of whiskey.”
Plural for a liquid that can be swallowed as refreshment or nourishment
Plural for a small amount of something
To add up numbers or amounts
“Tot up the total expenditure of the two groups and calculate the percentages that each bears to the total.”
To accumulate something over a period of time
“This week has seen me complete something like 40 miles on my bike, whereas the three previous weeks had seen me tot up around 1000 miles.”
Related Words and Phrases