ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cirs/div-dataset-transition-readme.txt May 13, 2014 NCDC is planning to provide access to nClimDiv maximum and minimum temperature data coincident with the release of the May 2014 climate summary in mid-June. These data will be accessible from several of NCDC's products, including Climate at a Glance, and will also reside on our CIRS ftp site: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cirs/climdiv/ The filenames for the data files will utilize the following naming convention: climdiv-tmaxdv-vX.Y.Z-YYYMMDD climdiv-tmaxst-vX.Y.Z-YYYMMDD climdiv-tmindv-vX.Y.Z-YYYMMDD climdiv-tminst-vX.Y.Z-YYYMMDD where X.Y.Z is the version number and YYYYMMDD is the date the data were processed. The element code for tmax is 27 and tmin is 28. A sample of each file type follows: climdiv-tmaxdv: 0101271895 48.00 43.80 63.20 74.70 79.00 88.10 87.50 90.30 87.40 70.60 62.80 53.60 0101271896 49.10 53.90 59.10 79.20 86.50 86.00 91.10 94.50 86.90 72.30 65.60 54.30 0101271897 47.80 57.30 65.30 73.00 79.80 92.40 92.30 90.50 90.40 80.70 64.20 53.40 0101271898 54.60 53.30 66.90 68.20 86.10 92.30 91.20 89.80 86.20 70.00 58.30 51.20 0101271899 50.10 43.90 63.10 70.50 87.30 92.60 92.90 93.20 85.30 77.80 65.70 50.90 climdiv-tmindv: 0101281895 27.50 21.80 37.40 47.80 54.70 63.50 66.50 65.90 63.10 37.90 37.50 30.60 0101281896 30.30 32.60 36.60 52.30 61.10 63.60 68.70 67.10 57.20 44.80 40.10 31.20 0101281897 26.80 37.40 45.10 47.00 52.40 64.70 68.00 65.20 59.10 48.80 36.50 32.90 0101281898 34.70 31.00 45.10 42.70 57.40 66.00 68.50 67.10 63.00 47.00 34.50 28.00 0101281899 28.80 22.20 38.80 47.80 61.20 65.10 66.90 68.30 56.80 50.70 40.30 28.90 climdiv-tmaxst: 0010271895 52.70 48.10 66.50 75.70 80.60 88.40 89.60 89.70 89.10 74.20 65.10 57.10 0010271896 53.00 59.00 63.90 80.60 87.90 87.90 91.60 94.00 89.20 75.80 68.90 57.70 0010271897 52.10 61.10 69.90 74.80 82.20 94.00 92.80 89.50 88.70 81.00 67.10 58.00 0010271898 59.10 58.00 69.90 71.00 88.10 92.70 90.50 88.40 85.40 72.30 61.00 54.30 0010271899 54.40 51.40 67.80 72.60 88.60 92.30 91.90 92.00 86.30 78.10 67.80 55.60 climdiv-tminst: 0010281895 33.40 26.80 42.40 51.20 58.40 66.50 68.80 69.30 66.50 45.20 41.40 32.70 0010281896 34.10 36.40 41.20 55.60 63.90 66.90 70.70 70.40 62.60 50.60 45.80 35.10 0010281897 31.40 41.20 50.40 50.10 55.90 68.30 70.20 68.10 62.50 53.10 41.40 36.90 0010281898 38.80 34.30 48.50 46.40 60.20 68.10 69.60 69.20 65.10 49.60 38.70 32.50 0010281899 33.10 28.70 43.50 50.80 63.60 67.60 68.90 69.90 59.40 54.00 42.90 33.80 For additional information on file formats for these and other elements, please review the following readme files: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cirs/climdiv/divisional-readme.txt ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cirs/climdiv/drought-readme.txt ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cirs/climdiv/state-readme.txt ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- April 16, 2014 A new file, 'procdate.txt', has been added to the nClimDiv cirs directory to assist users in determining the names of the files each month. This file contains the processing date, which varies from month-to-month. It will be updated with the most current processing date on the day the data in the cirs ftp directory are refreshed and the monthly report is released. Example of procdate.txt file contents: 20140404 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- March 13, 2014 NCDC is transitioning from its traditional divisional dataset to the nClimDiv dataset today. The February/Winter climate report is expected to be released around 11:00am EDT this morning. All divisional data and related products will be transitioned throughout the day. Please be patient with us as we work to ensure all related products and tools are working properly. We appreciate your patience throughout this transition. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- March 5, 2014 NCDC Weekly products which utilize divisional data will be transitioned to nClimDiv the week of March 17, 2014. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- February 28, 2014 In addition to period of record station inventory files, we will also provide an abbreviated version which contains station information for the last 2 calendar years. Station inventory information prior to this timeframe will not change unless the dataset undergoes a version change. The abbreviated station inventory files will be named: climdiv-prcp-inv-recent-vX.Y.Z-YYYMMDD climdiv-tmax-inv-recent-vX.Y.Z-YYYMMDD climdiv-tmin-inv-recent-vX.Y.Z-YYYMMDD where X.Y.Z is the version number and YYYYMMDD is the date the data were processed. These files will be located in the ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cirs/climdiv directory. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- February 25, 2014 NCDC will transition to the nClimDiv dataset on Thursday, March 13, 2014. This is coincident with the release of the February 2014 monthly monitoring report. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- February 4, 2014 The new NCDC climate division database has been named: nClimDiv References to this dataset will be made as either nClimDiv or ClimDiv. Element codes for new divisional file names have been modified for HDD, CDD, temperature and precipitation. All element codes now have a standard six-character length (This is a change from the previous entry dated December 11, 2013). The revised element code list is as follows: Divisional State/Regional/National elem = cddcdv cddcst hddcdv hddcst pcpndv pcpnst pdsidv pdsist phdidv phdist pmdidv pmdist sp01st sp01dv sp02st sp02dv sp03st sp03dv sp06st sp06dv sp09st sp09dv sp12st sp12dv sp24st sp24dv tmpcdv tmpcst zndxdv zndxst NCDC will retire the use of unadjusted degree-day values (HDD and CDD) as the data which supported these values will not exist with the new divisional data set. These changes will affect the internal file element values for the following elements and data files: The files impacted by this on our CIRS ftp site will undergo the following changes: drd964x.cdd.txt --- is replaced by ----> climdiv-cddcdv-v1.x.y-YYYYMMDD drd964x.cddst.txt --- is replaced by ----> climdiv-cddcst-v1.x.y-YYYYMMDD drd964x.hdd.txt --- is replaced by ----> climdiv-hddcdv-v1.x.y-YYYYMMDD drd964x.hddst.txt --- is replaced by ----> climdiv-hddcst-v1.x.y-YYYYMMDD The elements and element codes will be affected in the following way: Element 03 (HDD unadjusted) --- is replaced by --> Element 25 (HDD, TOBC, based on adjusted temperature) Element 04 (CDD unadjusted) --- is replaced by --> Element 26 (CDD, TOBC, based on adjusted temperature) As a result, NCDC will modify the internal element identifier for the HDD and CDD data files within the files. Example of internal element name change for CDD (within the files above): from: 0101041895 0. 0. 12. 34. 132. 372. 425. 446. 363. 16. 0. 0. 0101041896 7. 0. 8. 118. 303. 324. 468. 518. 246. 42. 8. 0. 0101041897 0. 6. 43. 25. 103. 405. 465. 397. 304. 117. 0. 0. 0101041898 16. 0. 41. 6. 221. 426. 443. 422. 290. 30. 0. 0. 0101041899 0. 0. 14. 25. 291. 420. 453. 505. 198. 94. 7. 0. 0101041900 7. 0. 10. 36. 170. 318. 443. 515. 364. 127. 0. 0. to: 0101261895 0. 0. 12. 34. 132. 372. 425. 446. 363. 16. 0. 0. 0101261896 7. 0. 8. 118. 303. 324. 468. 518. 246. 42. 8. 0. 0101261897 0. 6. 43. 25. 103. 405. 465. 397. 304. 117. 0. 0. 0101261898 16. 0. 41. 6. 221. 426. 443. 422. 290. 30. 0. 0. 0101261899 0. 0. 14. 25. 291. 420. 453. 505. 198. 94. 7. 0. 0101261900 7. 0. 10. 36. 170. 318. 443. 515. 364. 127. 0. 0. Qualitative Note on Degree Day Values: Preliminary analysis of degree day data indicate that some values may be noticeably different from current values. There are two primary reasons for this: 1) General: New dataset and methodology (see prior notes on changes to how climate division data are computed) 2) Specific to the degree-day products: Population weights have been updated to use 2010 Census data. Station Inventories: At present, station inventory files can be found at: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cirs/DivStations/ Currently, there are three inventory files available for each month based on the level of quality control performed. Once NCDC converts to the new divisional dataset, there will only be one inventory file available for period of record for all stations included in the data set for each element. As a result, there will be inventory file name and internal format changes. Divisional inventory files for the new data set will be located in the main CIRS climdiv directory: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa/gov/pub/data/cirs/climdiv climdiv-prcp-inv-v1.x.y-YYYYMMDD climdiv-tmax-inv-v1.x.y-YYYYMMDD climdiv-tmin-inv-v1.x.y-YYYYMMDD (For a station to be included in the divisional mean temperature data set, it must be included in both tmax and tmin inventories.) Station Inventory File Format Description: c1-11: GHCN ID c14-20: Lat c22-30: Lon c33-36: State/Division (9999 if not in CONUS) c38-43: YYYYMM station used in divisional calculation c45-50: Network (CANADA, COOP, MEXICO, SNOTEL, WBAN) USC00401835 36.1000 -84.1000 4001 189607 COOP USC00402806 36.3644 -82.2325 4001 189607 COOP USC00403679 36.1056 -82.8436 4001 189607 COOP USC00404561 35.6214 -88.8456 4004 189607 COOP USC00405442 35.0833 -87.4333 4003 189607 COOP ___________________________________________________________________________ January 17, 2014 Element codes for new divisional file names have been modified for HDD, CDD, temperature and precipitation. The revised element code list is as follows: Divisional State/Regional/National elem = cddcdv cddcst hddcdv hddcst pcpndv pcpnst pdsidv pdsist phdidv phdist pmdidv pmdist sp01st sp01dv sp02st sp02dv sp03st sp03dv sp06st sp06dv sp09st sp09dv sp12st sp12dv sp24st sp24dv tmpcdv tmpcst zndxdv zndxst NCDC will retire the use of unadjusted HDD and CDD as the data which supported these values will not exist with the new divisional dataset. This impacts the internal file element values for the following elements and data files: Element 03 - HDD unadjusted -----> Element 25 - HDD (TOBC, based on adjusted temperature) Element 04 - CDD unadjusted -----> Element 26 - CDD (TOBC, based on adjusted temperature) As a result, NCDC will modify the internal element identifier for the HDD and CDD data files. The files impacted by this on our CIRS ftp site are currently named: drd964x.cdd.txt drd964x.cddst.txt drd964x.hdd.txt drd964x.hddst.txt These will be replaced by file names: climdiv-cddcdv-v1.0.0-YYYYMMDD climdiv-cddcst-v1.0.0-YYYYMMDD climdiv-hddcdv-v1.0.0-YYYYMMDD climdiv-hddcst-v1.0.0-YYYYMMDD Example of internal formatting change for CDD: 0101041895 0. 0. 12. 34. 132. 372. 425. 446. 363. 16. 0. 0. 0101041896 7. 0. 8. 118. 303. 324. 468. 518. 246. 42. 8. 0. 0101041897 0. 6. 43. 25. 103. 405. 465. 397. 304. 117. 0. 0. 0101041898 16. 0. 41. 6. 221. 426. 443. 422. 290. 30. 0. 0. 0101041899 0. 0. 14. 25. 291. 420. 453. 505. 198. 94. 7. 0. 0101041900 7. 0. 10. 36. 170. 318. 443. 515. 364. 127. 0. 0. to: 0101261895 0. 0. 12. 34. 132. 372. 425. 446. 363. 16. 0. 0. 0101261896 7. 0. 8. 118. 303. 324. 468. 518. 246. 42. 8. 0. 0101261897 0. 6. 43. 25. 103. 405. 465. 397. 304. 117. 0. 0. 0101261898 16. 0. 41. 6. 221. 426. 443. 422. 290. 30. 0. 0. 0101261899 0. 0. 14. 25. 291. 420. 453. 505. 198. 94. 7. 0. 0101261900 7. 0. 10. 36. 170. 318. 443. 515. 364. 127. 0. 0. Qualitative Note on Degree Day Values: Preliminary analysis of degree day data indicate that some values may be noticeably different from current values. There are two primary reasons for this: 1) General: New dataset and methodology (see prior notes on changes to how climate division data are computed) 2) Specific to the degree-day products: Population weights have been updated to use 2010 Census data. Station Inventories: At present, station inventory files can be found at: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cirs/DivStations/ Currently, there are three inventory files available for each month based on the level of quality control performed. Once NCDC converts to the new divisional dataset, there will only be one inventory file available for period of record for all stations included in the dataset for each element. As a result, there will be inventory file name and internal format changes. Divisional inventory files for the new dataset will be located in the main CIRS climdiv directory: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa/gov/pub/data/cirs/climdiv division.inv.prcp (should we name these "climdiv" instead of "division"?) division.inv.tmax (if we are gonna rename, we need to generate a routine to division.inv.tmin do this) climdiv-prcp-inv-YYYYMMDD climdiv-tmax-inv-YYYYMMDD climdiv-tmin-inv-YYYYMMDD (For a station to be included in the divisional mean temperature calculation, it must be included in both tmax and tmin inventories.) Station Inventory File Format Description: c1-11: GHCN ID c14-20: Lat c22-30: Lon c33-36: State/Division (9999 if not in CONUS) c38-43: YYYYMM station used in divisional calculation c45-50: Network (CANADA, COOP, MEXICO, SNOTEL, WBAN) USC00401835 36.1000 -84.1000 4001 189607 COOP USC00402806 36.3644 -82.2325 4001 189607 COOP USC00403679 36.1056 -82.8436 4001 189607 COOP USC00404561 35.6214 -88.8456 4004 189607 COOP USC00405442 35.0833 -87.4333 4003 189607 COOP ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- December 11, 2013 An important message to users of data in the ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cirs/ directory: The NCDC anticipates an early 2014 release of its new climate division database. An official name for this database will be revealed in the near future. This database is based on GHCN-D 5km gridded data and utilizes new methodologies for computing temperature, precipitation and drought for the contiguous United States. In addition, data from a larger array of stations is used which improves the divisional data quality in the pre-1930s era. Please understand it is NCDCs desire to minimize stakeholder impacts resulting from this transition. For users of our data placed on ftp (ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cirs/): Data formats will remain the same, but file names will be different. See below. climdiv-elem-v1.x.y-YYYYMMDD where x = integer to be incremented with major data additions y = integer to be incremented with minor data additions YYYY = year specific dataset was processed and produced MM = month specific dataset was processed and produced DD = day specific dataset was processed and produced elem = cdddv cddst hdddv hddst pcpdv pcpst pdsidv pdsist phdidv phdist pmdidv pmdist sp01st sp01dv sp02st sp02dv sp03st sp03dv sp06st sp06dv sp09st sp09dv sp12st sp12dv sp24st sp24dv tmpdv tmpst zndxdv zndxst The precise location of the files will be different. This means that automated retrieval programs will need to be updated with the new path information prior to this transition. Currently, all files are located in: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cirs/ Post-transition operational files will be located in: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cirs/climdiv Current drd files will be moved to the following: ftp://ftp.ncdc.noaa.gov/pub/data/cirs/drd and will be updated with final data through December 2013. No data for 2014 will be processed and inserted into these files. Additional information will be forthcoming as we get closer to the time of transition. It is our hope that this information is helpful in your preparation for this transition. For specifics describing the differences between the two datasets, please visit our U.S. Climate Divisions webpage (URL http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/monitoring-references/maps/us-climate-divisions.php) and explore our divisional data discovery tool (URL http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/temp-and-precip/divisional-comparison/).
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