If you find Xdebug useful, please consider supporting the project.

Development Helpers

Xdebug's development helpers allow you to get better error messages and obtain more information from PHP's built-in functions. The helpers include an upgraded var_dump() function; location, stack, and argument information upon Notices, Warnings and Exceptions; and numerous functions and settings to tweak PHP's behaviour.


Improved var_dump() function #

Xdebug changes PHP's built-in var_dump() function to be HTML-formatted, and includes information about location. The overloaded var_dump() is active in HTML contexts (when PHP's html_errors setting is 1), as well as on the command line.

HTML Context

Without Xdebug loaded, and a <pre> tag artificially added:

array(4) {
  string(23) "a somewhat long string!"
  array(1) {
    array(2) {
      array(2) {
  object(test)#1 (3) {
  array(6) {

With Xdebug loaded, it will output this instead:

array (size=4)
  'one' => string 'a somewhat long string!' (length=23)
  'two' =>
    array (size=1)
      'two.one' =>
        array (size=2)
          'two.one.zero' => int 210
          'two.one.one' =>
            array (size=2)
  'three' =>
      public 'pub' =>
      private 'priv' => boolean true
      protected 'prot' => int 42
  'four' =>
    array (size=6)
      0 => int 0
      1 => int 1
      2 => int 2
      3 => int 3
      4 => int 4
      5 => int 5

The changes are:

There are a number of settings that change control how much output is shown and/or hidden. These settings are:

controls how large strings can be before they're truncated, and shown with elipsis (…).
controls how many levels deep into a data structure information is shown.
controls how many array elements or object properties are shown.

Command Line

The overloaded var_dump() is also active on the command line, and reacts to the same configuration settings with regards to what is shown in the HTML context. By default it does not show colours, but this can be turned on by setting xdebug.cli_color to 1.

That turns:

array(2) {
  'one' =>
  string(23) "a somewhat long string!"
  'three' =>
  class test#1 (3) {
    public $pub =>
    private $priv =>
    protected $prot =>


array(2) {
  'one' =>
  string(23) "a somewhat long string!"
  'three' =>
  class test#1 (3) {
    public $pub =>
    private $priv =>
    protected $prot =>

Stack Traces #

When Xdebug is loaded, it overrides PHP's standard error handler callbacks, and provides one that also shows a stack trace. These stack traces contain a list of all the functions and method that were called between the start of the script and where the error occurred. An example of such a stack trace is:

( ! ) Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 1 second exceeded in /home/httpd/html/test/xdebug/docs/stack.php on line 70
Call Stack
10.0007374160{main}( ).../stack.php:0
20.0010376752foo( $a = array (42 => FALSE, 'foo' => 9121240, 43 => class stdClass { public $bar = 100 }, 44 => class stdClass { }, 45 => resource(3) of type (stream)) ).../stack.php:84
Variables in local scope (#2)
$a =
array (size=5)
  42 => boolean false
  'foo' => int 9121240
  43 => 
      public 'bar' => int 100
  44 => 
  45 => resource(3, stream)
$i =
/home/httpd/html/test/xdebug/docs/stack.php:70:int 3047104

This is an example of a stack trace with only some of the optional features turned on. The "Variables in local scope" section will only show when you set xdebug.show_local_vars to 1.

Here follows a list with settings that change the information that is shown in a stack trace:

xdebug.dump_globals controls whether information from super globals is added to the stack trace. You can configure which super globals and keys are shown with the specific xdebug.dump.* settings, whether they shown only once with xdebug.dump_once, and whether to include undefined super global keys with xdebug.dump_undefined.
The format of the generated link in the Location column: .../stack.php:84
Which part(s) of the path to show in the Location column.
How many stack frames to show
Whether to include the available variables from the scope of the last called user defined function.
How much information to include for arguments to function calls and local variables. These are the same settings as used for improved var_dump() function.

Two more settings control whether Xdebug should show stack traces even when an Error or Exception has been caught:


You can find more detailed information for each setting in their own documentation section.

Filtering #

Xdebug includes filtering capabilities for stack traces. A filter either includes, or excludes, paths or class name prefixes (namespaces). You can use a filter to prevent anything from a vendor directory to appear in a stack trace, or to only include classes from specific namespaces.

To set-up a filter that shows only functions and methods that either have no class name, or are prefixed with "Xdebug", you would call xdebug_set_filter() with:

Filter Example

	[ '', 'Xdebug' ]

With this filter set-up, you will only see functions (without class) and all method calls of classes that start with "Xdebug". This includes built-in PHP functions (such as strlen()) and calls to XdebugTest::bar(). The filter does not enforce that "Xdebug" is the name of a namespace, and only does a strict character comparison from the start of the fully qualified class name. Add a \ to the prefix to make sure only classes in the Xdebug\ namespace are included.

The full documentation for the arguments to xdebug_set_filter() are described on its own documentation page.

Related Settings and Functions #

Settings #

integer xdebug.cli_color = 0 #

If this setting is 1, Xdebug will color var_dumps and stack traces output when in CLI mode and when the output is a tty. On Windows, the ANSICON tool needs to be installed.

If the setting is 2, then Xdebug will always color var_dumps and stack trace, no matter whether it's connected to a tty or whether ANSICON is installed. In this case, you might end up seeing escape codes.

See this article for some more information.

This setting can additionally be configured through the XDEBUG_CONFIG environment variable.

string xdebug.dump.* = Empty #

* can be any of COOKIE, FILES, GET, POST, REQUEST, SERVER, SESSION. These seven settings control which data from the superglobals is shown when an error situation occurs.

Each of those php.ini setting can consist of a comma separated list of variables from this superglobal to dump, or * for all of them. Make sure you do not add spaces in this setting.

In order to dump the REMOTE_ADDR and the REQUEST_METHOD when an error occurs, and all GET parameters, add these settings:

xdebug.dump.GET = *

boolean xdebug.dump_globals = true #

When this setting is set to true, Xdebug adds the values of the super globals as configured through the xdebug.dump.* to on-screen stack traces and the error log (if enabled).

boolean xdebug.dump_once = true #

Controls whether the values of the superglobals should be dumped on all error situations (set to 0) or only on the first (set to 1).

boolean xdebug.dump_undefined = false #

If you want to dump undefined values from the superglobals you should set this setting to 1, otherwise leave it set to 0.

string xdebug.file_link_format = #

This setting determines the format of the links that are made in the display of stack traces where file names are used. This allows IDEs to set up a link-protocol that makes it possible to go directly to a line and file by clicking on the filenames that Xdebug shows in stack traces. An example format might look like:


The possible format specifiers are:

%fthe filename
%lthe line number

For various IDEs/OSses there are some instructions listed on how to make this work:


In the configuration file, add the following line, including the single quotes. This uses PhpStorm's REST API.

xdebug.file_link_format='javascript: var r = new XMLHttpRequest; r.open("get", "http://localhost:63342/api/file/%f:%l");r.send()'

Firefox on Linux

  • Open about:config
  • Add a new boolean setting "network.protocol-handler.expose.xdebug" and set it to "false"
  • Add the following into a shell script ~/bin/ff-xdebug.sh:
    #! /bin/sh
    f=`echo $1 | cut -d @ -f 1 | sed 's/xdebug:\/\///'`
    l=`echo $1 | cut -d @ -f 2`
    Add to that one of (depending whether you have komodo, gvim or netbeans):
    • komodo $f -l $l
    • gvim --remote-tab +$l $f
    • netbeans "$f:$l"
  • Make the script executable with chmod +x ~/bin/ff-xdebug.sh
  • Set the xdebug.file_link_format setting to xdebug://%f@%l

Windows and Netbeans

  • Create the file netbeans.bat and save it in your path (C:\Windows will work):
    @echo off
    setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
    set NETBEANS=%1
    set FILE=%~2
    set FILE=!FILE:%%5C=\!
    %NETBEANS% --nosplash --console suppress --open "%FILE:~19%"
    nircmd win activate process netbeans.exe

    Note: Remove the last line if you don't have nircmd.

  • Save the following code as netbeans_protocol.reg:
    Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
    "URL Protocol"=""
    @="URL:Netbeans Protocol"
    @="\"C:\\Program Files\\NetBeans 7.1.1\\bin\\netbeans.exe,1\""
    @="\"C:\\Windows\\netbeans.bat\" \"C:\\Program Files\\NetBeans 7.1.1\\bin\\netbeans.exe\" \"%1\""

    Note: Make sure to change the path to Netbeans (twice), as well as the netbeans.bat batch file if you saved it somewhere else than C:\Windows\.

  • Double click on the netbeans_protocol.reg file to import it into the registry.
  • Set the xdebug.file_link_format setting to xdebug.file_link_format = "netbeans://open/?f=%f:%l"

string xdebug.filename_format = ...%s%n #

This setting determines the format with which Xdebug renders filenames in HTML stack traces (default: ...%s%n) and location information through the overloaded xdebug_var_dump() (default: %f).

The possible format specifiers are listed in this table. The example output is rendered according to the full path /var/www/vendor/mail/transport/mta.php.

SpecifierMeaningExample Output
%aAncester: Two directory elements and filenamemail/transport/mta.php
%fFull path/var/www/vendor/mail/transport/mta.php
%nName: Only the file namemta.php
%pParent: One directory element and the filenametransport/mta.php
%sDirectory separator/ on Linux, OSX and other Unix-like systems, \ on Windows

integer xdebug.force_display_errors = 0 #

If this setting is set to 1 then errors will always be displayed, no matter what the setting of PHP's display_errors is.

integer xdebug.force_error_reporting = 0 #

This setting is a bitmask, like error_reporting. This bitmask will be logically ORed with the bitmask represented by error_reporting to dermine which errors should be displayed. This setting can only be made in php.ini and allows you to force certain errors from being shown no matter what an application does with ini_set().

integer xdebug.halt_level = 0 #

This setting allows you to configure a mask that determines whether, and which, notices and/or warnings get converted to errors. You can configure notices and warnings that are generated by PHP, and notices and warnings that you generate yourself (by means of trigger_error()). For example, to convert the warning of strlen() (without arguments) to an error, you would do:

ini_set('xdebug.halt_level', E_WARNING);
echo "Hi!\n";

Which will then result in the showing of the error message, and the abortion of the script. echo "Hi!\n"; will not be executed.

The setting is a bit mask, so to convert all notices and warnings into errors for all applications, you can set this in php.ini:


The bitmask only supports the four level that are mentioned above.

string xdebug.log = #

Configures Xdebug's log file.

Xdebug will log to this file all file creations issues, Step Debugging connection attempts, failures, and debug communication.

Enable this functionality by setting the value to a absolute path. Make sure that the system user that PHP runs at (such as www-data if you are running with Apache) can create and write to the file.

The file is opened in append-mode, and will therefore not be overwritten by default. There is no concurrency protection available.

The log file will include any attempt that Xdebug makes to connect to an IDE:

[2693358] Log opened at 2020-09-02 07:19:09.616195
[2693358] [Step Debug] INFO: Connecting to configured address/port: localhost:9003.
[2693358] [Step Debug] ERR: Could not connect to debugging client. Tried: localhost:9003 (through xdebug.client_host/xdebug.client_port).
[2693358] [Profiler] ERR: File '/foo/cachegrind.out.2693358' could not be opened.
[2693358] [Profiler] WARN: /foo: No such file or directory
[2693358] [Tracing] ERR: File '/foo/trace.1485761369' could not be opened.
[2693358] [Tracing] WARN: /foo: No such file or directory
[2693358] Log closed at 2020-09-02 07:19:09.617510

It includes the opening time (2020-09-02 07:19:09.616195), the IP/Hostname and port Xdebug is trying to connect to (localhost:9003), and whether it succeeded (Connected to client). The number in brackets ([2693358]) is the Process ID.

It includes:

process ID in brackets
2020-09-02 07:19:09.616195
opening time

For Step Debugging:

INFO: Connecting to configured address/port: localhost:9003.
ERR: Could not connect to debugging client. Tried: localhost:9003 (through xdebug.client_host/xdebug.client_port).

For Profiling:

ERR: File '/foo/cachegrind.out.2693358' could not be opened.
WARN: /foo: No such file or directory

For Function Trace:

ERR: File '/foo/trace.1485761369' could not be opened.
WARN: /foo: No such file or directory

All warnings and errors are described on the Description of errors page, with detailed instructions on how to resolve the problem, if possible. All errors are always logged through PHP's internal logging mechanism (configured with error_log in php.ini). All warnings and errors also show up in the diagnostics log that you can view by calling xdebug_info().

Step Debugger Communication

The debugging log can also log the communication between Xdebug and an IDE. This communication is in XML, and starts with the <init XML element:

    xmlns="urn:debugger_protocol_v1" xmlns:xdebug="https://xdebug.org/dbgp/xdebug"
    language="PHP" xdebug:language_version="7.4.11-dev"
    protocol_version="1.0" appid="2693358" idekey="XDEBUG_ECLIPSE">
        <engine version="3.0.0-dev"><![CDATA[Xdebug]]></engine>
        <author><![CDATA[Derick Rethans]]></author>
        <copyright><![CDATA[Copyright (c) 2002-2020 by Derick Rethans]]></copyright>

The fileuri attribute lists the entry point of your application, which can be useful to compare to breakpoint_set commands to see if path mappings are set-up correctly.

Beyond the <init element, you will find the configuration of features:

<- feature_set -i 4 -n extended_properties -v 1
-> <response
       xmlns="urn:debugger_protocol_v1" xmlns:xdebug="https://xdebug.org/dbgp/xdebug"
       command="feature_set" transaction_id="4" feature="extended_properties" success="1">

And continuation commands:

<- step_into -i 9
-> <response
       xmlns="urn:debugger_protocol_v1" xmlns:xdebug="https://xdebug.org/dbgp/xdebug"
       command="step_into" transaction_id="9"
       status="break" reason="ok">
           <xdebug:message filename="file:///home/httpd/www.xdebug.org/html/router.php" lineno="3">

You can read about DBGP - A common debugger protocol specification at its dedicated documation page.

The xdebug.log_level setting controls how much information is logged.

Many Linux distributions now use systemd, which implements private tmp directories. This means that when PHP is run through a web server or as PHP-FPM, the /tmp directory is prefixed with something akin to:


This setting can additionally be configured through the XDEBUG_CONFIG environment variable.

integer xdebug.log_level = 7 #

Configures which logging messages should be added to the log file.

The log file is configured with the xdebug.log setting.

The following levels are supported:

0CriticalsErrors in the configuration
1ErrorsConnection errors
3WarningsConnection warnings
5CommunicationProtocol messages
7InformationInformation while connecting
10DebugBreakpoint resolving information

Criticals, errors, and warnings always show up in the diagnostics log that you can view by calling xdebug_info().

Criticals and errors are additionally logged through PHP's internal logging mechanism (configured with error_log in php.ini).

This setting can additionally be configured through the XDEBUG_CONFIG environment variable.

integer xdebug.max_nesting_level = 512 #

Controls the protection mechanism for infinite recursion protection. The value of this setting is the maximum level of nested functions that are allowed before the script will be aborted.

When the maximum nesting level is reached, an "Error" exception is thrown.

Before Xdebug 3.3, the default value was 256.

integer xdebug.max_stack_frames = -1 #

Controls how many stack frames are shown in stack traces, both on the command line during PHP error stack traces, as well as in the browser for HTML traces.

string xdebug.mode = develop #

This setting controls which Xdebug features are enabled.

This setting can only be set in php.ini or files like 99-xdebug.ini that are read when a PHP process starts (directly, or through php-fpm). You can not set this value in .htaccess and .user.ini files, which are read per-request, nor through php_admin_value as used in Apache VHOSTs and PHP-FPM pools.

The following values are accepted:

Nothing is enabled. Xdebug does no work besides checking whether functionality is enabled. Use this setting if you want close to 0 overhead.
Enables Development Helpers including the overloaded var_dump().
Enables Code Coverage Analysis to generate code coverage reports, mainly in combination with PHPUnit.
Enables Step Debugging. This can be used to step through your code while it is running, and analyse values of variables.
Enables Garbage Collection Statistics to collect statistics about PHP's Garbage Collection Mechanism.
Enables Profiling, with which you can analyse performance bottlenecks with tools like KCacheGrind.
Enables the Function Trace feature, which allows you record every function call, including arguments, variable assignment, and return value that is made during a request to a file.

You can enable multiple modes at the same time by comma separating their identifiers as value to xdebug.mode: xdebug.mode=develop,trace.

XDEBUG_MODE environment variable

You can also set Xdebug's mode by setting the XDEBUG_MODE environment variable on the command-line; this will take precedence over the xdebug.mode setting, but will not change the value of the xdebug.mode setting.

Some web servers have a configuration option to prevent environment variables from being propagated to PHP and Xdebug.

For example, PHP-FPM has a clear_env configuration setting that is on by default, which you will need to turn off if you want to use XDEBUG_MODE.

Make sure that your web server does not clean the environment, or specifically allows the XDEBUG_MODE environment variable to be passed on.

boolean xdebug.scream = false #

If this setting is 1, then Xdebug will disable the @ (shut-up) operator so that notices, warnings and errors are no longer hidden.

integer xdebug.show_error_trace = 0 #

When this setting is set to 1, Xdebug will show a stack trace whenever an Error is raised - even if this Error is actually caught.

integer xdebug.show_exception_trace = 0 #

When this setting is set to 1, Xdebug will show a stack trace whenever an Exception or Error is raised - even if this Exception or Error is actually caught.

Error 'exceptions' were introduced in PHP 7.

integer xdebug.show_local_vars = 0 #

When this setting is set to something != 0 Xdebug's generated stack dumps in error situations will also show all variables in the top-most scope. Beware that this might generate a lot of information, and is therefore turned off by default.

string xdebug.trigger_value = "" #

This setting can be used when xdebug.start_with_request is set to trigger, which is the default for Step Debugging and Function Trace.

In trigger mode, Xdebug will only start its functionality when the XDEBUG_TRIGGER is set in the environment, or when the XDEBUG_TRIGGER GET, POST, or COOKIE variable is set.

The legacy names XDEBUG_SESSION (for Step Debugging), XDEBUG_PROFILE (for Profiling), and XDEBUG_TRACE (for Function Trace) can also be used instead of XDEBUG_TRIGGER.

Normally, Xdebug does not look at which value is actually used. If this setting is set to a non-empty string, then Xdebug will only trigger if the value matches the value of this setting.

With the following settings:


Xdebug's profiler will only start when either the environment variable XDEBUG_TRIGGER is set to StartProfileForMe, the GET or POST variable XDEBUG_TRIGGER is set to StartProfileForMe, or when the cookie XDEBUG_TRIGGER has the value StartProfileForMe.

From Xdebug 3.1, it is possible to configure multiple values by using a comma separated list. In that case, Xdebug will trigger if the supplied value matches any of the entries that are configured through this setting:


See also:

For how the triggering mechanism works, and which environment and server variables Xdebug acts on.

integer xdebug.var_display_max_children = 128 #

Controls the amount of array children and object's properties are shown when variables are displayed with either xdebug_var_dump(), xdebug.show_local_vars or when making a Function Trace.

To disable any limitation, use -1 as value.

This setting does not have any influence on the number of children that is send to the client through the Step Debugging feature.

integer xdebug.var_display_max_data = 512 #

Controls the maximum string length that is shown when variables are displayed with either xdebug_var_dump(), xdebug.show_local_vars or when making a Function Trace.

To disable any limitation, use -1 as value.

This setting does not have any influence on the number of children that is send to the client through the Step Debugging feature.

integer xdebug.var_display_max_depth = 3 #

Controls how many nested levels of array elements and object properties are when variables are displayed with either xdebug_var_dump(), xdebug.show_local_vars or when making a Function Trace.

The maximum value you can select is 1023. You can also use -1 as value to select this maximum number.

This setting does not have any influence on the number of children that is send to the client through the Step Debugging feature.

Setting the value to a high number could potentially result in PHP using up all the available memory, so use with caution.

Functions #

var_dump( mixed ...$var ) : void #

Displays detailed information about a variable

This function is overloaded by Xdebug, see the description for xdebug_var_dump().

xdebug_call_class( int $depth = 2 ) : mixed #

Returns the calling class

This function returns the name of the class that defined the current method, NULL if the stack frame does not exist, or FALSE if no class is associated with this call.


class Strings
    static function 
" is called at ".

$ret Strings::fix_string'Derick' );


Called @ /home/httpd/html/test/xdebug_caller.php:17 from ::{main}

To retrieve information from earlier stack frames, use the optional $depth argument. A value of 1 returns the call information of the method that executed xdebug_call_class():


class Strings
    static function 
fix_string$a )
" is called at ".

$ret Strings::fix_string'Derick' );


Strings::fix_string is called at /home/httpd/html/test/xdebug_caller:17

A value of 2 (the default) returns the call information of the "grand parent" of the current method:


class Strings
    static function 
fix_string$a )
" is called at ".

    static function 
fix_strings( array $a )
        foreach ( 
$a as $element )
self::fix_string$a );

$ret Strings::fix_strings( [ 'Derick' ] );


Strings::fix_strings is called at /home/httpd/html/test/xdebug_caller:25

A value of 0 returns the call information of the call to corresponding xdebug_call_* method:


class Strings
    static function 
fix_string$a )
" is called at ".

    static function 
fix_strings( array $a )
        foreach ( 
$a as $element )
self::fix_string$a );

$ret Strings::fix_strings( [ 'Derick' ] );


::xdebug_call_function is called at /home/httpd/html/test/xdebug_caller:13

xdebug_call_file( int $depth = 2 ) : mixed #

Returns the calling file

This function returns the filename from where the current function/method was executed from, or NULL if the stack frame does not exist

To retrieve information from earlier stack frames, use the optional $depth argument.

For examples and more extensive information, see xdebug_call_class().

xdebug_call_function( int $depth = 2 ) : mixed #

Returns the calling function/method

This function returns the name of the current function/method, NULL if the stack frame does not exist, or FALSE if the stack frame has no function/method information

To retrieve information from earlier stack frames, use the optional $depth argument.

For examples and more extensive information, see xdebug_call_class().

xdebug_call_line( int $depth = 2 ) : mixed #

Returns the calling line number

This function returns the line number from where the current function/method was called from, or NULL if the stack frame does not exist

To retrieve information from earlier stack frames, use the optional $depth argument.

For examples and more extensive information, see xdebug_call_class().

xdebug_debug_zval( string ...$varname ) : void #

Displays information about a variable

This function displays structured information about one or more variables that includes its type, value and refcount information. Arrays are explored recursively with values. This function is implemented differently from PHP's debug_zval_dump() function in order to work around the problems that that function has because the variable itself is actually passed to the function. Xdebug's version is better as it uses the variable name to lookup the variable in the internal symbol table and accesses all the properties directly without having to deal with actually passing a variable to a function. The result is that the information that this function returns is much more accurate than PHP's own function for showing zval information.

Support for anything but simple variable names (such as "a[2]" below) is supported since Xdebug 2.3.


= array(123);
$b =& $a;
$c =& $a[2];



a: (refcount=2, is_ref=1)=array (
	0 => (refcount=1, is_ref=0)=1, 
	1 => (refcount=1, is_ref=0)=2, 
	2 => (refcount=2, is_ref=1)=3)
a[2]: (refcount=2, is_ref=1)=3

xdebug_debug_zval_stdout( string ...$varname ) : void #

Returns information about variables to stdout

This function displays structured information about one or more variables that includes its type, value and refcount information. Arrays are explored recursively with values. The difference with xdebug_debug_zval() is that the information is not displayed through a web server API layer, but directly shown on stdout (so that when you run it with Apache in single process mode it ends up on the console).


= array(123);
$b =& $a;
$c =& $a[2];



a: (refcount=2, is_ref=1)=array (
	0 => (refcount=1, is_ref=0)=1, 
	1 => (refcount=1, is_ref=0)=2, 
	2 => (refcount=2, is_ref=1)=3)

xdebug_dump_superglobals() : void #

Displays information about super globals

This function dumps the values of the elements of the super globals as specified with the xdebug.dump.* php.ini settings. For the example below the settings in php.ini are:



Query string:


string '' (length=9)
Dump $_GET
$_GET['var'] =
string 'fourty two' (length=10)
$_GET['array'] =
  'a' => string 'a' (length=1)
  9 => string 'b' (length=1)

xdebug_get_collected_errors( bool $emptyList = false ) : array #

Returns all collected error messages

This function returns all errors from the collection buffer that contains all errors that were stored there when error collection was started with xdebug_start_error_collection().

By default this function will not clear the error collection buffer. If you pass true as argument to this function then the buffer will be cleared as well.

This function returns a string containing all collected errors formatted as an "Xdebug table".

xdebug_get_function_count() : int #

Returns the number of functions that have been called

This function returns the number of functions that have been called so far, including this function itself.

xdebug_get_function_stack( array $options = [] ) : array #

Returns information about the stack

Returns an array which resembles the stack trace up to this point. The example script:


class strings {

fix_strings($b) {
            foreach (
$b as $item) {

$s = new strings();
$ret $s->fix_strings(array('Derick'));


  0 =>
      'function' => string '{main}' (length=6)
      'file' => string '/var/www/xdebug_get_function_stack.php' (length=63)
      'line' => int 0
      'params' =>
  1 =>
      'function' => string 'fix_strings' (length=11)
      'class' => string 'strings' (length=7)
      'file' => string '/var/www/xdebug_get_function_stack.php' (length=63)
      'line' => int 18
      'params' =>
          'b' => string 'array (0 => 'Derick')' (length=21)
  2 =>
      'function' => string 'fix_string' (length=10)
      'class' => string 'strings' (length=7)
      'file' => string '/var/www/xdebug_get_function_stack.php' (length=63)
      'line' => int 12
      'params' =>
          'a' => string ''Derick'' (length=8)

Through the $options array you can tune what information is returned. These options were introduced in Xdebug 3.3.

$options['local_vars'] #

If you set the local_vars option to true, then the stack trace contains an extra element called variables, which is an array where each element represents a local variable name/value pair:


class strings {
var_dump(xdebug_get_function_stack( [ 'local_vars' => true ] ));

fix_strings($b) {
            foreach (
$b as $item) {

$s = new strings();
$ret $s->fix_strings(array('Derick'));


array (size=3)
  0 =>
    array (size=7)
      'time' => float 4.507993828
      'memory' => int 586272
      'function' => string '{main}' (length=6)
      'file' => string 'Standard input code' (length=19)
      'line' => int 0
      'params' =>
        array (size=0)
      'variables' =>
        array (size=2)
          's' =>
          'ret' => null
  1 =>
    array (size=9)
      'time' => float 4.508039954
      'memory' => int 586416
      'function' => string 'fix_strings' (length=11)
      'type' => string 'dynamic' (length=7)
      'class' => string 'strings' (length=7)
      'file' => string 'Standard input code' (length=19)
      'line' => int 16
      'params' =>
        array (size=1)
          'b' => string '[0 => 'Derick']' (length=15)
      'variables' =>
        array (size=2)
          'b' =>
            array (size=1)
          'item' => string 'Derick' (length=6)
  2 =>
    array (size=9)
      'time' => float 4.508065061
      'memory' => int 586416
      'function' => string 'fix_string' (length=10)
      'type' => string 'dynamic' (length=7)
      'class' => string 'strings' (length=7)
      'file' => string 'Standard input code' (length=19)
      'line' => int 10
      'params' =>
        array (size=1)
          'a' => string ''Derick'' (length=8)
      'variables' =>
        array (size=1)
          'a' => string 'Derick' (length=6)

The values in the params array are still stringified variants of the values, unlike the one in the variables element.

$options['params_as_values'] #

You can changes these to also be values by setting the params_as_values option.


class strings {
var_dump(xdebug_get_function_stack( [ 'params_as_values' => true ] ));

fix_strings($b) {
            foreach (
$b as $item) {

$s = new strings();
$ret $s->fix_strings(array('Derick'));


array (size=3)
  0 =>
    array (size=6)
      'time' => float 5.128140207
      'memory' => int 589968
      'function' => string '{main}' (length=6)
      'file' => string 'Standard input code' (length=19)
      'line' => int 0
      'params' =>
        array (size=0)
  1 =>
    array (size=8)
      'time' => float 5.128188808
      'memory' => int 590112
      'function' => string 'fix_strings' (length=11)
      'type' => string 'dynamic' (length=7)
      'class' => string 'strings' (length=7)
      'file' => string 'Standard input code' (length=19)
      'line' => int 16
      'params' =>
        array (size=1)
          'b' =>
            array (size=1)
  2 =>
    array (size=8)
      'time' => float 5.128214727
      'memory' => int 590112
      'function' => string 'fix_string' (length=10)
      'type' => string 'dynamic' (length=7)
      'class' => string 'strings' (length=7)
      'file' => string 'Standard input code' (length=19)
      'line' => int 10
      'params' =>
        array (size=1)
          'a' => string 'Derick' (length=6)

$options['from_exception'] #

The last option is from_exception, which takes a thrown Exception or Error object as argument. Instead of showing the stack trace of where xdebug_get_function_stack gets called from, you instead get the stack trace of where this Exception or Error was thrown.

This should be used in a user-defined exception handler.


class Handlers
__construct(private string $title, private float $PIE) {}

    static function 
var_dumpxdebug_get_function_stack( [ 'from_exception' => $exception ] ) );

__construct(private string $title, private string $PIE) {}

    public static function 
newError($errno false)
$elephpant = new Elephpant("Bluey"M_PI);
$randoVar 42;

        throw new 


    public function 
$return Error_Class::newError(true);

$e = new Error_Entry(12);



array (size=3)
  0 =>
    array (size=7)
      'time' => float 5.194523655
      'memory' => int 595976
      'function' => string '{main}' (length=6)
      'file' => string 'Standard input code' (length=19)
      'line' => int 0
      'params' =>
        array (size=0)
      'variables' =>
        array (size=1)
          'e' => null
  1 =>
    array (size=9)
      'time' => float 5.194572727
      'memory' => int 596440
      'function' => string '__construct' (length=11)
      'type' => string 'dynamic' (length=7)
      'class' => string 'Error_Entry' (length=11)
      'file' => string 'Standard input code' (length=19)
      'line' => int 38
      'params' =>
        array (size=2)
          'base' => int 1
          'errno' => int 2
      'variables' =>
        array (size=3)
          'base' => int 1
          'errno' => int 2
          'return' => null
  2 =>
    array (size=9)
      'time' => float 5.194576134
      'memory' => int 596440
      'function' => string 'newError' (length=8)
      'type' => string 'static' (length=6)
      'class' => string 'Error_Class' (length=11)
      'file' => string 'Standard input code' (length=19)
      'line' => int 33
      'params' =>
        array (size=1)
          'errno' => boolean true
      'variables' =>
        array (size=3)
          'errno' => boolean true
          'elephpant' =>
          'randoVar' => int 42

The stack trace you get when using params_as_values also always includes the local variables in the variables element, and non-stringified values for the function's arguments in the params element.

xdebug_get_headers() : array #

Returns all the headers as set by calls to PHP's header() function

Returns all the headers that are set with PHP's header() function, or any other header set internally within PHP (such as through setcookie()), as an array.


"X-Test""Testing" );
setcookie"TestCookie""test-value" );
var_dumpxdebug_get_headers() );


array(2) {
  string(6) "X-Test"
  string(33) "Set-Cookie: TestCookie=test-value"

xdebug_get_monitored_functions() : array #

Returns information about monitored functions

Returns a structure which contains information about where the monitored functions were executed in your script. The following example shows how to use this, and the returned information:


/* Start the function monitor for strrev and array_push: */
xdebug_start_function_monitor( [ 'strrev''array_push' ] );

/* Run some code: */
echo strrev("yes!"), "\n";

strrev("yes!"), "\n";



array(2) {
  [0] =>
  array(3) {
    'function' =>
    string(6) "strrev"
    'filename' =>
    string(24) "/tmp/monitor-example.php"
    'lineno' =>
  [1] =>
  array(3) {
    'function' =>
    string(6) "strrev"
    'filename' =>
    string(24) "/tmp/monitor-example.php"
    'lineno' =>

xdebug_get_stack_depth() : int #

Returns the current stack depth level

Returns the stack depth level. The main body of a script is level 0 and each include and/or function call adds one to the stack depth level.

xdebug_info( string $category = null ) : mixed #

Show and retrieve diagnostic information

This function presents APIs to retrieve information about Xdebug itself. Which information gets returned, or displayed, depends on which arguments, or none at all, are given.

$category =

Without arguments, this function returns an HTML page which shows diagnostic information. It is analogous to PHP's phpinfo() function.

The HTML output includes which mode is active, what the settings are, and diagnostic information in case there are problems with debugging connections, opening of files, etc.

Each warning and error in the diagnostics log also links through to the Description of errors documentation page.

$category = 'mode' (New in Xdebug 3.1)

The function returns an array of all the enabled modes, whether through xdebug.mode or the XDEBUG_MODE environment variable.


xdebug_info'mode' ) );


array(3) {
  [0] =>
  string(5) "debug"
  [1] =>
  string(7) "develop"
  [2] =>
  string(5) "trace"

$category = 'extension-flags' (New in Xdebug 3.1)

The function returns an array of all the compile flags that were enabled when running ./configure as part of Xdebug's compilation process.

The only flag that is available, is the compression flag. If this flag is enabled, then the xdebug.use_compression setting is available, and enabled by default.

Profiling and Function Trace will create GZip compressed files if the xdebug.use_compression setting is turned on (the default).


xdebug_info'extension-flags' ) );


array(1) {
  [0] =>
  string(11) "compression"

xdebug_memory_usage() : int #

Returns the current memory usage

Returns the current amount of memory the script uses. Before PHP 5.2.1, this only works if PHP is compiled with --enable-memory-limit. From PHP 5.2.1 and later this function is always available.

xdebug_peak_memory_usage() : int #

Returns the peak memory usage

Returns the maximum amount of memory the script used until now. Before PHP 5.2.1, this only works if PHP is compiled with --enable-memory-limit. From PHP 5.2.1 and later this function is always available.

xdebug_print_function_stack( string $message = "user triggered", int $options = 0 ) : void #

Displays the current function stack

Displays the current function stack, in a similar way as what Xdebug would display in an error situation.

The "message" argument allows you to replace the message in the header with your own.


function foo$far$out )
xdebug_print_function_stack'Your own message' );
foo423141592654 );


( ! ) Xdebug: Your own message in /home/httpd/html/test/xdebug/print_function_stack.php on line 5
Call Stack
10.0006653896{main}( )../print_function_stack.php:0
20.0007654616foo( 42, 3141592654 )../print_function_stack.php:7
30.0007654736xdebug_print_function_stack ( 'Your own message' )../print_function_stack.php:5

The bitmask "options" allows you to configure a few extra options. The following options are currently supported:

If this option is set, then the printed stack trace will not have a header. This is useful if you want to print a stack trace from your own error handler, as otherwise the printed location is where xdebug_print_function_stack() was called from.

xdebug_start_error_collection() : void #

Starts recording all notices, warnings and errors and prevents their display

When this function is executed, Xdebug will cause PHP not to display any notices, warnings or errors. Instead, they are formatted according to Xdebug's normal error formatting rules (ie, the error table with the red exclamation mark) and then stored in a buffer. This will continue until you call xdebug_stop_error_collection().

This buffer's contents can be retrieved by calling xdebug_get_collected_errors() and then subsequently displayed. This is really useful if you want to prevent Xdebug's powerful error reporting features from destroying your layout.

xdebug_start_function_monitor( array $listOfFunctionsToMonitor ) : void #

Starts function monitoring

This function starts the monitoring of functions that were given in a list as argument to this function. Function monitoring allows you to find out where in your code the functions that you provided as argument are called from. This can be used to track where old, or, discouraged functions are used.


( [ 'strrev''array_push' ] );

You can also add class methods and static methods to the array that defines which functions to monitor. For example, to catch static calls to DramModel::canSee and dynamic calls to Whisky->drink, you would start the monitor with:


( [ 'DramModel::canSee''Whisky->drink'] );

The defined functions are case sensitive, and a dynamic call to a static method will not be caught.

xdebug_stop_error_collection() : void #

Stops recording of all notices, warnings and errors as started by xdebug_start_error_collection()

When this function is executed, error collection as started by xdebug_start_error_collection() is aborted. The errors stored in the collection buffer are not deleted and still available to be fetched through xdebug_get_collected_errors().

xdebug_stop_function_monitor() : void #

Stops monitoring functions

This function stops the function monitor. In order to get the list of monitored functions, you need to use the xdebug_get_monitored_functions() function.

xdebug_time_index() : float #

Returns the current time index

Returns the current time index since the starting of the script in seconds.


echo xdebug_time_index(), "\n";
for (
$i 0$i 250000$i++)
// do nothing
xdebug_time_index(), "\n";



xdebug_var_dump( mixed ...$variable ) : void #

Displays detailed information about a variable

This function displays structured information about one or more expressions that includes its type and value. Arrays are explored recursively with values. See the introduction of Development Helpers on which php.ini settings affect this function.


$c = new stdClass;
$c->foo 'bar';
$c->file fopen'/etc/passwd''r' );
'object' => $c


  0 => 
      0 => boolean true
      1 => int 2
      2 => float 3.14
      more elements...
  'object' => 
      public 'foo' => string 'bar' (length=3)
      public 'file' => resource(3, stream)
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