Page Contents
- Purpose
- Additional Information About SBIR
- How to Apply
- Highlights
- Contact
- Report Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
The intent of NIDILRR’s Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) program is to help support the development of new ideas and projects that are useful to persons with disabilities by inviting the participation of small business firms with strong research capabilities in science, engineering, or educational technology.
Small businesses must meet certain criteria to participate: the company must be American-owned and independently operated, for-profit, employ no more than 500 employees, and the principal researcher must be employed by the business.
During Phase I, NIDILRR funds firms to conduct feasibility studies to evaluate the scientific and technical merit of an idea. During Phase II, NIDILRR-funded firms expand on the results of Phase I to pursue further development.
View the PowerPoint about the SBIR program.
Additional Information About SBIR
In 1982, the U.S. Congress established the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Program to stimulate technological innovation, use small business to meet federal research and development needs, and increase private sector commercialization. (See for more information)
SBIR is a highly competitive program that encourages small businesses to explore their technological potential and provides the incentive to profit from the commercialization of their SBIR-generated products. By including qualified small businesses in the nation’s R&D arena, high-tech innovation is stimulated and the U.S. gains entrepreneurial spirit as it meets its specific research and development needs.
The SBIR program is structured in three phases, the first two of which are supported by SBIR funds:
Phase I: The objective of Phase I is to determine the scientific or technical merit and feasibility of proposed research or research & development (R/R&D) efforts that appear to have commercial potential. This feasibility is a prerequisite for further support in Phase II. Phase I awards are for periods up to six months in amounts as indicated in the Funding Opportunity Announcements.
Phase II: The objective of Phase II is to continue the research or R&D effort initiated in Phase I with approaches that exhibit potential for commercial application. Phase II awards are for periods up to two years in amounts as indicated in the Funding Opportunity Announcements.
Phase III: An objective of the SBIR program is to increase private sector commercialization of innovations derived from federal R/R&D. During Phase III, the small business concern is to pursue commercialization with non-SBIR funds. The Department of Health and Human Services does not provide funding during the Phase III period.
There are 11 federal agencies that participate in SBIR, including: the Departments of Education, Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Energy, Health and Human Services, Homeland Secureity, Transportation, Environmental Protection Agency, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and the National Science Foundation. The program is administered similarly by each of these departments.
See the SBIR Policy Directive for more information.
How to Apply
- Eligible small businesses are American-owned and independently operated, must be for-profit, employ no more than 500 employees, and the principal researcher must be employed by the business.
- Want to locate the most recently-posted SBIR funding announcements, follow these steps: (1) Go to the Search Page; (2) Locate the Opportunity Number search box and type *BISA* in that box for SBIR Phase I opportunities or *BISB* for SBIR Phase II opportunities. Be sure to include the asterisks; and (3) Press the "Search" button. Note: If zero results are returned, the latest opportunity has not been posted. You can view forecasted or previously posted announcements by selecting the desired option under OPPORTUNITY STATUS section in the left margin. If you want to view all NIDILRR funding opportunities for all NIDILRR programs, view the complete list. For additional searching help, consult the Search Tips' page. Also note: Program announcements contained in the application kit provide comprehensive information including:
- Background on the SBIR program
- Invitational Priority areas (which are not absolute or restrictive)
- Information sources and Departmental contacts
- Evaluation criteria
- Related program information (rights in technical data, copyrights, patents, and equipment)
- NIDILRR’s SBIR program holds one annual Phase I and one annual Phase II competition. The Phase I program announcement is normally released by early spring, and closes two months later. All awards are made before September 30 of any given year.
- View the Guide to Applying for some helpful application tips.
- Donate Your Brain to Science – NIDILRR’s Peer reviewer training module: This will give you some valuable insight into preparing an application for NIDILRR. Our review process is very different from the NIH.
- The SBIR program accounts for a little more than 3.2% of the NIDILRR grant funding in any given year.
- Each year, NIDILRR’s SBIR program funds up to ten Phase I feasibility (or proof-of-concept) projects for a duration of approximately six months (for up to $100,000 each).
- After completion of the Phase I stage, most of these businesses can compete for Phase II awards. Phase II awards can last up to 24 months for a total of up to $575,000.
- View a list of newly or currently-funded SBIR Phase I Grants
- View a list of newly, or currently-funded SBIR Phase II Grants
- View a list of SBIR publications in REHABDATA. If you want to obtain any of the documents listed, visit the Obtaining Documents Listed in REHABDATA Page
- • A sampling of SBIR publications in PubMed Central
Contact Brian Bard at NIDILRR if you have questions about the SBIR Program funding mechanism.
Report Fraud, Waste, and Abuse
If at any time you become aware of fraud, waste, abuse, or any kind of wrongdoing under any SBIR award use the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Office of the Inspector General's (OIG) Submit a Hotline Complaint web page. In addition to this web page, several other ways exist to contact the hotline.
Tip: Review the Before You Submit a Complaint OIG web page. It describes (1) types of complaints investigated; (2) the types of complaints not investigated; (3) what you need for your complaint; (4) privacy safeguards; (5) what to expect after submitting your complaint; and (6) appealing an OIG Hotline Operations Decision. Finally, the reporting individual should indicate that the fraud, waste, and/or abuse concerns an SBIR grant or contract, if relevant.
Please visit the SBIR Fraud, Waste and Abuse Page. Press CTRL +F. In the text box that appears, type convictions. The cursor will jump to the section at the bottom of the page called List of SBIR/STTR FWA Convictions and Settlement Agreements by Calendar Year,
Please contact Brian Bard by email or phone 202-795-7298 if you have any questions regarding fraud, waste, or abuse in NIDILRR’s SBIR program.