Striuelin Scyttisc: Sruighlea | |
Bæceringmet NS795935 | |
Tælmet | |
Scir: | Striuelinscīr |
Witenagemotstol: | Striuelin |
Feorrspreca forerim: | 01786 |
Ærendþegnung burg: | Stirling |
Ærendrun: | FK7, FK8, FK9 |
Mennscipe (2001) | 41,243 |
Stowlicu toþegnung | |
Geþingedom: | Striuelin |
Striuelin is ceaster in Striuelinscīr on Scottum, and ƿæs in geardagum Scottena heafodburg.
Ƿæð ea fleoƿeþ þurh Striuelin. Striuelin-Brycg ƿæs oð geongum gearum seo niþermest brycg on þǣm ea.
Stiuelin Castell, be Ƿæðe, ƿæs Heahlanda cæg, forðæm ƿæs hie ƿeard þæs nearƿan lande betƿeonum Ƿæðemuþa and Clede.
Striuelin Geþingedom
[adihtan | adihtan fruman]Striuelin Geþingedōm torecþegnaþ ofer Striuelin-byrig and micel land be norðan (in þāra Perþscīre beorga) and be suðan, þa is he mæst Striuelinscīr.
Geānede Cynerīce | Scotland | Geþingedōm | |
Aberdon | Aberdonscir | Anagus | Argyll and But | Clackmannanscir | Dumfries and Galloƿay | Dundee | East Ayrscir | East Lefenax | East Loðene | East Renfreƿscir | Edinburg | Falkirk | Fif | Glasgoƿ | Heahland | Infercled | Midloðene | Moray | Na h-Eileanan Siar | Norþ Ayrscir | Norþ Lanercscir | Orcanege | Perþ and Kinross | Renfreƿscir | Scyttisce Mære | Geltland | Suþ Ayrscir | Suþ Lanercscir | Striuelin | Ƿest Lefenax | Ƿest Loðene |