FitPro - Fitness Professional CPD Education Bewertungen 231

TrustScore 4,5 von 5


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  1. Versicherungsgesellschaft
  2. Unternehmensversicherung
  3. Karriere- und Bildungsanbieter
  4. Versicherungsagentur
  5. Haftpflichtversicherung
  6. Sportversicherung

Über FitPro - Fitness Professional CPD Education

Vom Unternehmen geschrieben

We are FitPro, the specialist in fitness instructor insurance in the UK.  

Join the FitPro community for trusted insurance for personal trainers and fitness instructors, world-class CPD education, content and music for fitness professionals.


What we offer you:

  • Reliable, flexible public liability insurance. We cover a wide range of specialisms as standard

  • CPD courses from world-class educators to support your professional development

  • Insightful and practical content to keep you in touch with what's new in the fitness industry

  • Great music, professionally mixed for your classes, delivered through our app MyGroupFit




Founded in 1990, by Jane Waller and Brent Hallo, FitPro launched a bunch of firsts into the UK fitness industry, and created a globally recognised body that provides support, education and services to the fitness industry. Naturally, we're proud that FitPro has welcomed over half a million fitness professionals through our door. 


We cover a broad range of fitness activities from PT, all forms of group fitness, yoga and Pilates, sports massage and much more, whether you’re a student or a graduate.

Even better, our cover is affordable. We offer monthly direct debit options, for as little as £4.38 per month, and you can apply online. Choose your cover from £2m, £5m or £10m options for Public Liability cover. What’s more, because we are active fitness industry experts you’ll also get a FREE FitPro Core membership (valued at £35) which entitles you to a host of great FitPro benefits.


With over 95 online courses you can stack up CPD points and learn vital skills to push your career forwards. There’s a vast choice: from menopause to nutrition, S&C to special populations … the list goes on. 


Sign up for a membership package and be supported in your career with the latest education and knowledge. Choose from Associate, Core or Professional Membership.


MyGroupFit (part of the FitPro family) has served the UK health and fitness industry for over 25 years. We deliver the best professionally mixed music compilations and music licensing for instructors and fitness and leisure facilities.






TrustScore 4,5 von 5

231 Bewertungen

5 Sterne
4 Sterne
3 Sterne
2 Sterne
1 Stern

Hat 100 % seiner negativen Bewertungen beantwortet

Antwortet meist innerhalb von 24 Std.

Bewertet mit 2 von 5 Sternen
Auf Einladung


Datum der Erfahrung: 17. Juni 2023

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Antwort von FitPro - Fitness Professional CPD Education

Hi, thank you for being a FitPro member and we hope that you enjoy our Core membership service which gives you flexible and reliable public liability insurance, along with our free Magazine and fortnightly Newsletter keeping you up to date with the fitness industry, plus 30% off CPD education. We want to hear all sorts of feedback, and we are unsure what you were meaning to tell us here. Alternatively, if your feedback here was left in error, please consider changing your review so that we can hear any praise or points to address. If there is anything we can help you with, please get in touch with our friendly team.
From the FitPro team

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