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皆様のご支援に感謝いたします。 ソースコード このプロジェクトはオープンソースプロジェクトです。 すべてのソースコードはgithubのレポジトリから取得できます。 ライセンス TerminalColoeropardはMIT Licenseで公開しています。 Comments ms kimさんのコメント 11/19, 2007 Hi, Yoshimasa san.. I got installed on my private library, but I couldn't get it worked. Also, When I installed SIMBL package, It went to the /Library/InputManagers directory. This is not the one that you mentioned above article. Do you
Links and Downloads TerminalColors Information Latest News Screen Shots TerminalColors-0.2.1.tbz (Universal Binary) TerminalColors-0.2.tbz (Panther/Tiger) TerminalColors-0.1.dmg (Jaguar) Enjoy TerminalColors? Problem: The default blue and red colors in the Terminal.app are nearly invisible on a CRT. Solution: HexEdit the hard-coded color values in the binary... Better Solution: Add an ANSI color p
The Fink project wants to bring the full world of Unix Open Source software to Darwin and Mac OS X. We modify Unix software so that it compiles and runs on Mac OS X ("port" it) and make it available for download as a coherent distribution. Fink uses Debian tools like dpkg and apt-get to provide powerful binary package management. You can choose whether you want to download precompiled binary packa
Introduction I've been having a very difficult time finding a terminal emulator in OS X that is on par with Eterm in Gentoo Linux -- what I was using last before switching. (Don't get me wrong -- some do have nice new features that I might like someday -- but they aren't what I need right now.) This page is intended as a primer for my problems with the current state of OS X terminal emulation; I'l
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