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Author(s) and publish date By: Ashok Malhotra Published: 14 August 2012 On August 14, 2012 the W3C published two documents from the RDB2RDF WG as Proposed Recommendations. This is an important step in bringing the disparate worlds of Relational Data and the Web together. Relational databases underpin most business, government and scientific enterprises . Data and transactions double every two year
ANN: - Offering 3.2 billion quads current RDFa, Microdata and Miroformat data extracted from 65.4 million websites From: Chris Bizer <> Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2012 14:55:36 +0100 To: <>, <>, <> Message-ID: <021a01cd0833$757b1f90$60715eb0$> Hi all, we are happy to announce, a joine is a platform providing broad-ranging support, such as data distribution, application development and business utilizing data. Data Conversion and Publishing Support | LinkData Application development and Publishing Support | App.LinkData Knowledge Sharing and Entrepreneurial Support | Knowledge Connector Regional Data Sharing and Community Organization Support | CityData The above fo
The Digital Shift On Libraries and New Media, powered by Library Journal and School Library Journal Twelve years ago I basically called the Resource Description Framework (RDF) “dead on arrival”. That was perhaps too harsh of an assessment, but I had my reasons and since then I haven’t had a lot of motivation to regret those words. Clearly there is a great deal more data available in RDF-encoded f
With other things taking high priority over the last 6 months, this is the first opportunity I’ve had to look at the progression of ODRL Version 2.0, and evaluating where it’s improved from the earlier versions. First things first, ODRL has migrated to the W3C as a Community Working Group. Overall, this is a good thing. It opens it up to the wider W3C community, gives greater credence to the eff
インターネットに膨大な情報が溢れるようになった今日、情報を探し出すことが大変困難になってきています。Googleに代表される全文検索エンジンを絞込み検索機能などを利用して検索したとしても、大量の検索結果が出力されることがしばしばあり、なかなか効率の良い検索は望めません。 インターネットの情報は、人間が理解することを目的に書かれており、全文検索エンジンなどの機械が処理できるように考えられて書かれていません。簡単な例で言うと、「今日開業している上野にある歯医者」を検索したい場合に、「上野」と「歯医者」というキーワードを掛け合わせて検索すると、「上野歯科医」などの「上野」という名称がついた歯医者も検索されますし、「歯医者」という語には「歯科医」という別の呼び名もあるために、意図しない情報まで検索されたり、検索洩れが発生したりします。さらに、「今日開業している」かどうかを検索結果として求めること
【注意】 このドキュメントは、W3CのRDF Primer W3C Recommendation 10 February 2004の和訳です。 このドキュメントの正式版はW3Cのサイト上にある英語版であり、このドキュメントには翻訳に起因する誤りがありえます。誤訳、誤植などのご指摘は、訳者までお願い致します。 First Update: 2005年9月27日 RDF入門 W3C 勧告 2004年2月10日 本バージョン: 最新バージョン: 旧バージョン: 編集者: Frank Manola, Er
What is Only very recently the three big search engines Bing, Google and Yahoo! introduced, a collection of schemas that webmasters can use to markup their pages. The search engines rely on this markup to improve the display of search results, making it easier for people to find the right web pages. This site is a complementary effort by people from the Linked Data comm
Author(s) and publish date By: Ivan Herman Published: 19 September 2011 The past few months have been busy for RDFa 1.1. Although the RDFWA Working Group has published a 2nd Last Call in Spring, new issues came up in summer that forced the group to continue its technical work (which will result, hopefully soon, in a 3rd Last Call). These issues were the results of implementation experiences, but a
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