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President of WebFX. Bill has over 25 years of experience in the Internet marketing industry specializing in SEO, UX, information architecture, marketing automation and more. William’s background in scientific computing and education from Shippensburg and MIT provided the foundation for RevenueCloudFX and other key research and development projects at WebFX. In the beginning, the device-specific me
Freelance Web Designer? 10 Reasons Why It’s A Bad Idea, or Is It There are literally hundreds of reasons why you should become a freelance web designer, and three of the best reasons are financial freedom, creative freedom, and you can work just about anywhere you want to. But let me tell you why it’s a bad idea. You probably have hundreds of reasons to hate your current job. Maybe you call in sic
If you want to add unique elements to your illustrations or take your digital art to a higher level, Illustrator brushes are what you need. Despite the popularity of Illustrator, finding the perfect brush pack can be time-consuming, especially when compared to the multitude of brushes available for Photoshop. Illustrator brushes can add creative elements to your artwork that would be difficult to
Design Your Way is a brand owned by SBC Design Net SRL Str. Caminului 30, Bl D3, Sc A Bucharest, Romania Registration number RO32743054 But you’ll also find us on Blvd. Ion Mihalache 15-17 at Mindspace Victoriei Ever stumbled upon a website so breathtaking that it left you momentarily mesmerized? Welcome to the world of cool website design examples, an arena where creativ
海外のインテリアデザインサイトをまとめたエントリー「top 25 interior design & furniture blogs」の情報がとても素晴らしかったので紹介します。 どのサイトも情報量が豊富で画像も多く、とても楽しめるサイトです! design sponge インテリアのちょっとしたDIY記事からリフォームのBefor Afterの写真など、更新頻度の高いブログです。 moco loco グリッドデザインでシンプルにまとめられたwebサイト。デザイン性の高い写真が多く見れるので、インスピレーションを沸かせたいときにみるといいかも。 apartment therapy ひとつの記事ごとの画像も豊富です。New York,Los Angelesなどカテゴリが分かれています。 inhabitat 建築、インテリア、プロダクトなどのカテゴリごとに記事分けされていて、見ごたえがあります
22 Comments Just want to point out that you misspelled “Cuban Council” at the title 🙂 Thanks for catching that. It’s fixed now. Gisele, you just get it right … always!!!. Bookmarkable stuff. Thanks Leroy. 🙂 Awesome! I love the first three websites. Thanks for including our site, in your great round up! Great post! I love your Inspiration posts, thanks for sharing! Love minimalist designs. Thanks
We’ve already posted some beautiful bokeh textures in the past. Today, we are featuring several websites which use the effect of these textures as a background of their design. Bokeh effect is becoming popular these days. Many graphic designers are applying a blurred background in their design because its transparent hazy effect sharpens the details and contents of their website. Aside from that,
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If you think logo design is an easy process, that’s a complete misconception. To begin with, a logo is not merely some colors, fonts and fancy text put together. It is a brand’s identity, to the extent that, more often than not, a logo is more identifiable than the actual brand’s name! If that is the case, how do you accomplish the creation of an effective logo? We shall attempt to answer this ver
This Post is next edition of dzineblog’s logo inspiration series • 36 Clever and Creative logos • 54 Kick Ass Creative Logos Hand-Picked from Logofaves • 54 Creative Logos Hand-picked From Logopond The better a logo greater the probability that your clients will remember you and get back to you. For that: designers have to be creative and have to work their ass off in designing beautiful, unique l
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