自己紹介 @kyo_ago 趣味はテンプレートエンジン開発と、ローカルプロキシ開発です 超高速開発コミュニティに昔書いたコードが使われてました\(^o^)/ Mac版FiddlerのAutoResponderサポートが待ち遠しいです
Content-Length: 227981 | pFad | http://b.hatena.ne.jp/syanbi/TypeScript/
We’re happy to announce the release of TypeScript 0.9.1. With this version we’ve focused on fit and finish, improving the compiler performance and rounding out the language and ASP.NET support. Improved Performance When we released 0.9.0, we introduced a re-written compiler and language service which scaled better for interactive use cases and supported many new 0.9 language features, including g
Microsoft 発の型付き JavaScript こと TypeScript が人気ですね。 typescript-rails という gem があったので、動くのか試してみました。 結論から言っておくと、他のスクリプトやライブラリを参照する TypeScript をコンパイルすることが今回はできませんでした。 $ rails new typescript-rails-test -T $ echo 'gem "typescript-rails"' >> Gemfile $ bundle $ bundle exec rails g controller test index create app/controllers/test_controller.rb route get "test/index" invoke erb create app/views/test create app
Swift is the best programming language you should learn and make your dream app easily. Swift programming is a powerful yet easy-to-learn coding language created by Apple. It's frequently used for developing iOS and macOS applications, as well as tvOS and watchOS apps. While you can use other languages to create Apple apps, Swift is the preferred language, and it's recommended because its code is
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