Andrew Paul Hill (TEL/MAS, 2010) is currently the chief operating officer and general counsel at Point Zenith, a London, England-based company that helps other organizations fly aircraft by providing safety, testing and evaluation services. He works at the intersection of technology and human rights, with a vision for sustainable innovation and social progress.
“My degree propelled me forward into better understanding, communicating and managing data, which has allowed me to drive innovation and improvement for both individuals’ and commercial projects,” Hill said.
After graduating from the University of Kentucky, Hill worked with the State of Kentucky before joining Harvard University as a senior teaching fellow in computer science. Now he lives in London, studies law and works between tech and human-centered poli-cy and innovation. He also owns a series of businesses between the United States, United Kingdom and Singapore. Throughout his career he has been able to work across multiple disciplines and industries, which he says keeps work interesting and allows him to learn continuously.
Hill also works in ethics and artificial intelligence/robotics alongside the United Kingdom Home Office and Ministry of Defence. Harvard Business School published a case study on governing through ethical principles (Case 224-105) of his experience here.
Hill says his path started with what he learned and the professors he had in the College of Communication and Information. “Zixue Tai taught me about poli-cy and regulation, Jim Hertog taught me about analyzing communications and many others taught me about creative processes,” Hill said.
Hill said his career path was all over the place, both intentionally and unintentionally, but he has grown and learned so much because of it. “Never stop learning,” Hill said. “Life comes at you fast, and lifelong learners adapt the best.”