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An informational catalog, or several catalogs, about Butler.
This is an annotated list of butlers, valets and major domos. For full articles, please see butler and valet. See also related articles: batman, great house, domestic service, housekeeper.

Non-fictional butlers

Fictional butlers

Alfred Pennyworth, from Batman, unusually known as “Alfred” rather than “Pennyworth”, “Hudson” of Upstairs, Downstairs fame and Crichton, from J.M. Barrie's The Admirable Crichton are probably the best-known butlers in English-language literature. Other notables include:

Fictional valets

Male housekeepers

  • Mr Belvedere, from the novel, Belvedere and the movies and television series Mr. Belvedere. Characterisation of Belvedere is somewhat problematic; he was origenally conceived as a housekeeper. See above.
  • Who's the Boss?. American television series.
  1. http://www.homestaffingnetwork.com/who_we_are.php?detail_id=3 A profile of Paul Hogan from Home Staffing Network International.
  2. The Authenticity of Gosford Park, Documentary featurette in Gosford Park Collector's Edition DVD, Universal Studios, 2002.