User:Jean-Pierre Ady Fenyo
The account of this former contributor was not re-activated after the server upgrade of March 2022.
I am a semi-autodidactic Philosopher & Writer (i.e. a published author) whose knowledge is multi-disciplinary and, in the opinion of those who seem to know me, quite extensive and thorough. Although I was not able to acquire formal accreditation from any major academic institution of higher learning I have managed to gain the respect of several professional academics.
I was born in Washington, D.C. on the 23rd of July, 1964, only a few blocks from The White House (on rare occasion I tell a silly joke about this fact). My father, who is Historian (PhD.), was born in Budapest in 1935 to a prominent Hungarian-Jewish intellectual writer, lawyer and politician. My mother, who was an Archaeologist, was born in San Juan, P.R. in 1943, one of eight children of a mixed Catholic/Jewish Spanish aristocratic parentage (a trace of Danish nobility included).
Throughout my childhood I traveled with my parents to and through over sixty countries, and lived in seven of them, including Sudan (1974-1976) and Hungary (several periods). As a result of my extensive travels, then and since, I have the ability to converse fluently in Spanish, Hungarian, Italian and French, and some limited ability to converse in Hebrew, Arabic and Dutch. I have experienced many things that most people in Western Europe and North America (excluding Mexico) have not, including two years of living as a young teenager in a dangerous war-zone (at one point I was kidnapped).
Most of my more advanced self-education took place during the 1980s in New York City, where I managed to become acquaintances with various famous, influential and even legendary persons, including Quentin Crisp, Andy Warhol, Jean-Michel Basquiat, Andy Kaufman, George Soros and Woody Allen, to name a few.
In 1987 I became rather famous myself as The Original New York City Free Advice Man, to the point that I was interviewed a number of times on TV and was written-up in The New Yorker magazine (August 17, 1987). I could go into this aspect of my life in further detail but it would be a waste of time as anyone can Google- or Yahoo-search my full name and find out plenty more about me.
In 1994 I had my first Philosophical work copyrighted and self-published, which became the basis for a more impressive book, "The Most Important Thought", which was published in Hungary (in both English and Hungarian) in 2004. I have a unique set of ideas and theory regarding the penultimate practical use of the concept of Infinity in effecting positive global mass socio-psychological change.
I have been a minor contributor to, another alternative to Wikipedia, and my abilities and skill at writing Wiki entries can be assessed by examining those published there.
More to come...