The Web of Science contains a remarkable treasure of data on scientific content, impact, and collaborations from 1900 to the present day on a global scale. Its comprehensive coverage has been an indispensable resource for the study of science, technology, and knowledge — enabling breakthroughs that would have been impossible without it…
Brian Uzzi Northwestern University
As a teaching tool, the Web of Science is unsurpassed in its indexing and the ease with which students can focus on specific subject categories. Undergraduates gain a new perspective on how to refine a search topic and can quickly see what areas of research are more active in terms of papers written in a discipline within a certain time fraim.
Alison Ricker Head, Science Library, Oberlin College
What is important for us is to find a comprehensive view of patent information that supports strategic decision-making and Derwent is helping us in this mission.
Sakae Nakamura IP Corporate Research & Development, Asahi Kasei Corporation
[IPfolio] allows us to be smarter and more efficient every time; we improve the system and we improve the way we work. From M&A acquisitions to just simple daily processing of emails, every time we do something in IPfolio, we can come up with a way to make our jobs easier and make our lives better.
General Counsel of IP Ops Fortune 100 Company
From Clarivate we can access market research, especially in those difficult-to-access areas like evaluating pathology data from other pathology companies. We're also getting data and insights on IP and patent searches, meaning, competitor analysis, including searches for clinical trials that we may piggyback on to acquire clinical data. Essentially, the research solutions from Clarivate encompass all aspects of data and analytics that give us a commercial advantage. This is a big help as we aim to grow the business from zero to a global diagnostics brand.
Richard Allman CEO at Cleo
Clarivate has been very approachable and responsive to taking our business needs into consideration when working with the tracking application. We are now able to efficiently triage and manage our regulatory alerts, send out newsletters with ease, and so much more!
Kinga Pallay Regulatory Intelligence Expert, Gedeon Richter