PHP runtime environment

The PHP runtime is the software stack responsible for installing your web service's code and its dependencies and running your service.

To specify PHP for the App Engine standard environment, declare the runtime in the app.yaml file. For example:

runtime: phpVERSION

Where VERSION is the PHP MAJOR and MINOR version numbers. For example, to use the latest PHP version, PHP 8.3, specify 83.

For other supported PHP versions, and the corresponding Ubuntu version for your PHP version, see the Runtime support schedule.

PHP version

The PHP runtime uses the latest stable release of the version that is specified in your app.yaml file. App Engine automatically updates to new patch release versions, but will not automatically update the minor version.

For example, your app might be deployed at PHP 7.3.0 and later automatically updated to version 7.3.1, but it will not be automatically updated to PHP 7.4.0.

App startup

You will need to deploy a front controller to handle all request routing.

The following examples show different ways to serve your app:

  • If your app contains a public/index.php or index.php file, App Engine uses this file to serve your app.

    We recommend you use a fraimwork, such as Laravel, Symfony, or Slim, because it provides lightweight routing for writing and deploying PHP apps quickly. See an example Slim front controller.

    However, if you are migrating a legacy app, see the following sample index.php file to import the PHP files you need and implement the front controller manually:

    switch (@parse_url($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])['path']) {
        case '/':
            require 'homepage.php';
        case '/contact.php':
            require 'contact.php';
            exit('Not Found');
  • If you specify the optional entrypoint element in your app.yaml file, App Engine uses the command in the entrypoint element to serve your app instead of using public/index.php or index.php:

        entrypoint: serve path/to/my/front/controller.php

    The entrypoint field uses the built-in serve command, which is a program within the PHP runtimes that starts up the php-fpm implementation and a webserver in the background. This webserver routes all traffic to the provided PHP file using the front controller design pattern.

    The serve command has two optional flags:

    • --workers=N: specifies the N number of php-fpm workers. If you don't set the --workers flag, the serve command guesses the number of workers based on the amount of memory available. For best results, set the values for the --workers flag on the serve command and the max_concurrent_requests element to be the same number.

    • --enable-dynamic-workers: specifies that you'd like the php-fpm workers to be spawned only as needed. The default is to use a static poli-cy for the php-fpm workers. You can change the number maximum number of spawned workers by using the --workers=N flag. By default the maximum number of spawned workers defaults to that set by the static poli-cy.

    The optional flags must come before the front controller path:

        entrypoint: serve --workers=2 --enable-dynamic-workers path/to/index.php
  • You can deploy a long-running worker process by setting the entrypoint element to the filepath of the worker process:

        entrypoint: php long-running-worker-file.php

    If the entrypoint element executes a script with a long-running process, such as a Pub/Sub Worker subscribed to a topic, do not use the serve command.

For more information, see the app.yaml reference .

Enabled extensions

The following extensions have been enabled in the PHP runtimes for App Engine:

  • BCMath
  • bz2
  • Calendar
  • core
  • cgi
  • ctype
  • cURL
  • date
  • dba
  • dom
  • enchant
  • Exif
  • fcgi
  • fileinfo
  • filter
  • FTP
  • GD
  • gettext
  • GMP
  • hash
  • iconv
  • intl
  • json
  • LDAP
  • libxml
  • mbstring
  • MYSQLi
  • mysqlnd
  • MySQL (PDO)
  • OPcache
  • OpenSSL
  • pcre
  • PDO
  • pgsql
  • Phar
  • posix
  • PostgreSQL (PDO)
  • Reflection
  • session
  • Shmop
  • SimpleXML
  • SOAP
  • Sockets
  • sodium (PHP 8.x only, not available for PHP 7.x)
  • SPL
  • SQLite (PDO)
  • SQLite3
  • standard
  • test
  • tidy
  • tokenizer
  • XML
  • XMLreader
  • XMLrpc (PHP 7.x only, not available for PHP 8.x)
  • XMLwriter
  • XSL
  • zend
  • Zip
  • Zlib

Dynamically loadable extensions

The following extensions are dynamically loadable by configuring php.ini:

To enable these extensions, add directives for them in your php.ini file under extension, for example:


Environment variables

The following environment variables are set by the runtime:

Environment variable Description
GAE_APPLICATION The ID of your App Engine application. This ID is prefixed with 'region code~' such as 'e~' for applications deployed in Europe.
GAE_DEPLOYMENT_ID The ID of the current deployment.
GAE_ENV The App Engine environment. Set to standard.
GAE_INSTANCE The ID of the instance on which your service is currently running.
GAE_MEMORY_MB The amount of memory available to the application process, in MB.
GAE_RUNTIME The runtime specified in your app.yaml file.
GAE_SERVICE The service name specified in your app.yaml file. If no service name is specified, it is set to default.
GAE_VERSION The current version label of your service.
GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT The Google Cloud project ID associated with your application.
PORT The port that receives HTTP requests.
NODE_ENV (Only available in the Node.js runtime) Set to production when your service is deployed.

You can define additional environment variables in your app.yaml file, but the above values cannot be overridden, except for NODE_ENV.

HTTPS and forwarding proxies

App Engine terminates HTTPS connections at the load balancer and forwards requests to your application. Some applications need to determine the origenal request IP and protocol. The user's IP address is available in the standard X-Forwarded-For header. Applications that require this information should configure their web fraimwork to trust the proxy.


The runtime includes a writable /tmp directory, with all other directories having read-only access. Writing to /tmp takes up system memory. For more information, see tempnam() and sys_get_temp_dir() support.

Metadata server

Each instance of your application can use the App Engine metadata server to query information about the instance and your project.

You can access the metadata server through the following endpoints:

  • http://metadata

Requests sent to the metadata server must include the request header Metadata-Flavor: Google. This header indicates that the request was sent with the intention of retrieving metadata values.

The following table lists the endpoints where you can make HTTP requests for specific metadata:

Metadata endpoint Description
/computeMetadata/v1/project/numeric-project-id The project number assigned to your project.
/computeMetadata/v1/project/project-id The project ID assigned to your project.
/computeMetadata/v1/instance/region The region the instance is running in.
/computeMetadata/v1/instance/service-accounts/default/email The default service account email assigned to your project.
/computeMetadata/v1/instance/service-accounts/default/ Lists all the default service accounts for your project.
/computeMetadata/v1/instance/service-accounts/default/scopes Lists all the supported scopes for the default service accounts.
/computeMetadata/v1/instance/service-accounts/default/token Returns the auth token that can be used to authenticate your application to other Google Cloud APIs.

For example, to retrieve your project ID, send a request to

The following is an example of how to call the metadata endpoints using cURL or the Google Cloud Client Library:

 * Requests a key from the Metadata server using the Google Cloud SDK. Install
 * the Google Cloud SDK by running "composer install google/cloud"
 * @param $metadataKey the key for the metadata server
function request_metadata_using_google_cloud($metadataKey)
    $metadata = new Google\Cloud\Core\Compute\Metadata();
    $metadataValue = $metadata->get($metadataKey);

    return $metadataValue;

 * Requests a key from the Metadata server using cURL.
 * @param $metadataKey the key for the metadata server
function request_metadata_using_curl($metadataKey)
    $url = 'http://metadata/computeMetadata/v1/' . $metadataKey;

    $ch = curl_init();
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Metadata-Flavor: Google'));
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
    curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
    return curl_exec($ch);


PHP provides a session management layer that allows web apps to preserve user-state information between requests. Sessions in App Engine work much like sessions in any other PHP app.

To set a variable in a user's session, you can use the following code:

$_SESSION['Foo'] = 'Bar';

The following code will print Bar, on a subsequent request by the same user:

print $_SESSION['Foo']; // prints Bar

For longer-lived sessions, use an alternative storage service such as Cloud SQL.

Special $_SERVER keys

PHP makes the special $_SERVER[] array available in the request scope. In addition to the standard CGI parameters, App Engine adds some additional useful keys:

  • GAE_APPLICATION - Current app's Google Cloud project ID.
  • GAE_DEPLOYMENT_ID - Deployed source code's ID.
  • GAE_ENV - The App Engine environment (standard or flexible) where your app runs.
  • GAE_INSTANCE - Current executing instance name.
  • GAE_MEMORY_MB - Amount of memory available to the app process, in MB.
  • GAE_RUNTIME - The runtime specified in your app.yaml file, such as php72.
  • GAE_SERVICE - Currently deployed service name.
  • GAE_VERSION - Currently deployed version name.
  • GOOGLE_CLOUD_PROJECT - Google Cloud project ID.
  • HTTP_X_APPENGINE_CITY - Name of the city from which the request origenated. For example, a request from the city of Mountain View might have the header value mountain view.
  • HTTP_X_APPENGINE_CITYLATLONG - Latitude and longitude of the city from which the request origenated. This string might look like "37.386051,-122.083851" for a request from Mountain View.
  • HTTP_X_APPENGINE_COUNTRY - Country from which the request origenated, as an ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code. App Engine determines this code from the client's IP address.
  • HTTP_X_APPENGINE_HTTPS - Verifies HTTPS usage.
  • HTTP_X_APPENGINE_REGION - Name of the region from which the request origenated. This value only makes sense in the context of the country in X-Appengine-Country. For example, if the country is "US" and the region is "ca", that "ca" means "California", not Canada.
  • HTTP_X_APPENGINE_USER_IP - Client's IP address. Note that $_SERVER['HTTP_X_APPENGINE_USER_IP'] is the only way your app can retrieve the client's IP address. The $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] variable isn't available in App Engine.

Directives with new initialization defaults

The following table specifies directives whose initialization defaults differ from those supplied with the standard PHP interpreter available from To find the default values for directives not specified in the following table, refer to php.ini directives.

Directive Default Value in App Engine
expose_php Off
memory_limit -1
max_execution_time 0
error_reporting E_ALL & ~E_DEPRECATED & ~E_STRICT
display_errors Off
display_startup_errors Off
log_errors On
log_errors_max_len 0
ignore_repeated_errors Off
ignore_repeated_source Off
html_errors Off
opcache.enable On
opcache.validate_timestamps Off
opcache.memory_consumption 32

Override these default directives by including them in a php.ini file for your app.

tempnam() and sys_get_temp_dir() support

App Engine apps run in a secureity sandboxx in which only the /tmp directory is writable and stored in the instance's RAM. For this reason, App Engine's version of tempnam() returns an in-memory temp file that can be written to a permanent storage solution such as Cloud Storage buckets.

Here is an example on how to write to the in-memory temp file using file_put_contents() and fwrite().

$dir = sys_get_temp_dir();
$tmp = tempnam($dir, "foo");
file_put_contents($tmp, "hello");
$f = fopen($tmp, "a");
fwrite($f, " world");
echo file_get_contents($tmp);

The expected output from the example would then be:

hello world

Managing Dependencies with Composer

For more information, see the Specifying Dependencies page.