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A black-necked Stilt and Snowy Egrets in restored wetland habitat. Photo provided courtesy of Chevron.
A black-necked Stilt and Snowy Egrets in restored Texas wetland habitat. Photo provided courtesy of Chevron.

Contact Us

This website is owned by NOAA's Damage Assessment, Remediation, and Restoration Program (DARRP), a part of the Office of Response and Restoration. DARRP is administered by three offices within NOAA, who collaborate on the natural resource damage assessment process. The Assessment and Restoration Division handles scientific assessments; the Office of General Council negotiates legal matters; and the Restoration Center implements restoration projects. 

For general program information, contact

For media inquiries, contact, or,  visit the National Ocean Service Newsroom for more information. 

For oil spill response, contact the Office of Response and Restoration Spill Emergency Phone (24-hour): 206.526.4911 or

To reach specific regional staff for DARRP:

Northeast and Great Lakes Regions
Diane Evers 
Assessment and Restoration Division
Phone: 240-338-3411

John Catena
Restoration Center
Phone: 978-281-9251

West Coast Region
Amy Merten Ph.D.
Assessment and Restoration
Phone: 206-526-6829

Jennifer Steger
Restoration Center
Phone: 206-526-4363

Southeast Region
Kevin Kirsch
Assessment and Restoration
Phone: 727-551-5619

Leslie Craig
Restoration Center
Phone: 727-551-5786


or visit the NOAA Staff Directory.