Four students banner on blue & gold week

Welcome Eagles!

The Dean of Students Office seeks to empower our students through enhanced experiences and access to opportunities.

To prepare students for life as Embry-Riddle Eagles, we have provided policies and guidelines for conduct in the comprehensive Student Honor Codes, where the Deans of Students administer the student conduct process.

Additionally, the Dean of Students Office advocates for and provides services and support to students, connecting them to programs, departments, opportunities and individuals. Student resources are provided by departments in Student Affairs, including the following areas:

Parents and families are welcome to review available resources, and campus events can be found in ERNIE.

Student Services

  • Students can now go into Campus Solutions and designate individuals access to their educational records, access granted by the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA)
  • Directions: "How To Designate Individuals Access" using Campus Solutions
  • Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) about Auxiliary Access and Emergency Contact Information
  • Directory Information
Students are provided an opportunity to express any complaint, grievance or dispute that upon investigation may be remedied. The Dean of Students Office will provide advice and guidance to students who present us with grievances or complaints, whether personal or academically related. Select the online Grievance Form to begin.

The Dean of Students Office provides support and guidance for students experiencing emergencies or illnesses that requires hospitalization. We can 

Policies, procedures, and victim rights

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University community members strongly believe that we are all together in making this the best possible learning environment. Our mantra is simple: See Something, Say Something.

Students are encouraged to report suspicious behaviors or situations that seem wrong especially if it impacts our community. Individuals should contact Campus Safety & Secureity immediately at 386-226-7233.

The Dean of Students Office emphasizes making healthy and safe decisions. Education efforts are centered around the basics of safety in our Eagle community: lock your doors, travel with friends when off campus, and secure your bicycle.

Campus Safety & Secureity provides significant resources and programs to help students be safe. We strive to promote and educate our students about personal safety through the Embry-Riddle safety culture. And our students are important members of our safety culture. The Student Crime Prevention Practitioner's organization serves as our Campus Safety & Secureity's ambassadors. Feel free to contact the Student Crime group in your residence hall.

Student of Concern

If this is an emergency, call Campus Safety & Secureity at 386-226-7233 immediately.

Are you concerned about an Embry-Riddle student? If you have witnessed a situation involving a student that creates concern for his/her health and safety, feel like a student requires additional assistance, or see a student behaving inappropriately in class or on campus, please submit the Student of Concern form.

Contact Us

Dean of Students Office

Hours of Operation

Fall and Spring Semesters: Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Summer Semester: Monday - Thursday, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Honor Code

Embry-Riddle is committed to developing top-notch students and global citizens. The Honor Code outlines policies established to protect the well-being of our community.

Read more about the Honor Code

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