I'm starting a recurring blog post called "Reading Roundup" to share some reading that you may find interesting. These links will be at least tangentially related to books, preservation, conservation and libraries. Here is the first installment. Enjoy!
The Devil's Tale "Celebrates Banned Book Week." Share your banned book story with them.
The Chronicle of Higher Education asks whether digitized books "feel like a library" in "Digitizing The Personal Library."
Also in The Chronicle of Higher Education, "What Are Books Good For" questions when books became the enemy.
In The Library With A Lead Pipe (one of my favorite library blogs) ponders how to collect meaningful data about our instruction efforts in their post "Articulating Value in Special Collections."
Parks Library Preservation at Iowa State has a nicely written ode to Carolyn Harris and Paul Banks, leaders in our field. Read "Thank you Paul and Carolyn, et al," Then tell your favorite teacher or mentor how much they mean to you.
And finally over on Work of the Hand , our former staff member and student, Henry Hebert, is blogging about what he is learning in the book binding program at the North Bennett Street School this semester.
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4 months ago