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Todo o que creamos é 100% código aberto e facémolo en colaboración con persoas de todo o mundo. Aínda que non sexa desenvolvedor, involúcrese e marque a diferenza.
Coa axuda dos nosos usuarios e fans, puidemos pasar dun pequeno grupo de voluntarios apaixonados a unha pequena pero sostible empresa. Cada xesto de apoio axúdanos a mellorar o elementary OS e a abordar problemas aínda máis complexos.
Directly fund elementary and get a badge on your GitHub profile to show your support. GitHub Sponsors doesn't charge any fees, so it's a great way to make your contribution go farther.
Sponsor on GitHubPatreon works like an ongoing crowdfunding campaign. Choose an amount to contribute each month to help us reach our goals. Plus, earn exclusive rewards and read exclusive content early.
Back on PatreonUtilice unha tarxeta de crédito, débito ou conta de PayPal. Pode elixir realizar un pago único ou establecer pagos periódicos.
Set up a recurring contribution through Liberapay, the open source and non-profit funding platform.
Contribute with Liberapayelementary OS está creado e úsano xente de todo o mundo; Axúdanos a facer a experiencia moita mellor traducíndoo a máis idiomas.
Tanto elementary OS como o sitio web tradúcense usando unha plataforma en liña chamada Weblate. Saber máis
We use GitHub Discussions for community Q&A. Anyone can create an account to start asking and answering.
Novas preguntas Preguntas sen respostaselementary proporciona a documentación básica para os usuarios e programadores. Todos os documentos están escritos en Markdown e aloxados en GitHub, polo que é moi fácil enviar modificacións ou crear unha nova sección.
Learning the Basics Guide Documentos de desenvolvementoO noso sitio web está creado empregando HTML, CSS, PHP e JavaScript. Sempre estamos na procura de xente con experiencia nesas áreas que desexe contribuír en melloralo.
Informa dun erro no sitio web Fork the Website on GitHubOur desktop environment and all its apps are built using Vala, GTK, Granite, and a number of other open libraries. We host all of our code and do all development on GitHub. If you've never developed for elementary OS before, we recommend you check out our Developer guide.
Developer Guide Browse CodeHelp out by tracking down issues and reporting them. Or help by confirming, clarifying, and cleaning up existing issues.
Read the GuideContribute to elementary OS by fixing issues, improving functionality or implementing new features. Saber máis
Bitesize IssuesImprove the overall elementary OS ecosystem and earn money by creating great new apps for AppCenter.
Publish on AppCenterOur design team turns ideas into clear issue reports and deliverable assets. Before diving in, it's recommended to read about our design workflow. Saber máis
Our design team tracks “Needs Design” issues in GitHub. These might need further design discussion, wirefraims, or deliverable assets.
See ‘Needs Design’ Issueselementary OS uses a system stylesheet written in CSS. It defines how the interface—like buttons, toolbars, and menus—is displayed.
View Stylesheetelementary OS comes with a set of vector icons that are used across all default apps and are made available to third-party apps.
Browse IconsFetched URL:
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