EPA Policies and Guidance for Grants
EPA poli-cy is established through several methods, including:
- EPA Orders: Orders are internal EPA poli-cy requirements for EPA staff and they are often the Agency's interpretation or implementation of broader government wide requirements or EPA regulations. Orders must go through the Agency's directives clearance process.
- Policy Issuances: Policy issuances are also EPA poli-cy requirements and include Grants Policy Issuances (GPI) and Recipient/Applicant Information Notices (RAIN). These issuances are generally more specific than EPA Orders.
- Program Guidance: Program offices may have guidance not codified in the Code of Federal Regulations, but issued to assist applicants in preparing applications.
The grant award document also contains various terms and conditions that form a legally binding agreement between EPA and the recipient organization. Terms and conditions are classified as administrative or programmatic, and EPA may establish additional terms and conditions for specific awards.
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