Metal Arts Building
349 Scott Street, Lexington, KY 40506
The primary structure consists of 7,356 sq. ft., within which there is a 4,000 sq. ft. shop space housing among other items six MIG welders, two arc welders, a TIG welder, three Oxy-Acetalene torch outfits, two plasma torch outfits, 4' roller, 8' brake, 8"x24" industrial horizontal bandsaw, 16" vertical bandsaw, two chop saws, 4' throat english wheel, 2 industrial drill presses, fully stocked patination area, a coal forge, propane forge, two large indoor sandblast cabinets, two portable sandblasters, spray booth, two 300 gallon compressors, 2 ton jib crane, and a fork lift.
Metal Arts studio, 349 Scott Street.
SA/VS Metal Shop
For accessibility options, please contact the School of Art and Visual Studies.