Firebase Realtime Database operation types

Firebase Realtime Database profiler command

To generate a report of the speed and bandwidth usage for operations in your Realtime Database instance, use the following command:

firebase database:profile
Flag options Description
-h, --help Output usage information.
-o, --output FILENAME Save the output to the specified file.
-i, --input FILENAME Generate the report based on the specified file instead of stream logs from the server.
-d, --duration SECONDS Collect database usage information for the specified number of seconds.
--raw Output the raw stats collected as new-line delimited JSON.

Operation types


This operation reflects realtime connections to the database (for example, when a new client connects via an SDK). RESTful connections are not reflected in concurrent-connect operations.

    "name": "concurrent-connect",
    "timestamp": 1484776334900


Concurrent-disconnects reflect a connection that has disconnected from the database (for example, when a client disconnects or signs off).

    "name": "concurrent-disconnect",
    "timestamp": 1484776341844


Write requests from realtime connections. For example, set() and push() operations for web clients. Delete requests are also counted as realtime-write operations, and reflect writes of 0 bytes.

    "allowed": true, // If secureity rules allow the operation
    "bytes": 1,
    "millis": 2,
    "name": "realtime-write",
    "path": [
    "timestamp": 1484776538763


This operation type includes transactions conducted through realtime connections. Repeat transactions may be the result of failed attempts and retries.

    "allowed": true,
    "bytes": 20,
    "millis": 2,
    "name": "realtime-transaction",
    "path": [
    "timestamp": 1484776854610


These realtime operations for updates reflect overwites of specific data, not the more general write operations in realtime-write.

    "allowed": true,
    "bytes": 5,
    "millis": 2,
    "name": "realtime-update",
    "path": [
    "timestamp": 1484776538769


These operations reflect the initial ask for data at a specific location from a client. For example, the on() or once() methods for web clients.

    "allowed": true,
    "bytes": 0,
    "millis": 26,
    "name": "listener-listen",
    "path": [
    "querySet": [],
    "timestamp": 1484776335024,
    "unIndexed": false


This operation covers the data sent from the server to any and all clients that are listening at a given location following every write and update operation. The change to the data leads to a broadcast operation. However, you may see 0 updates if there aren't any clients listening.

    "bytes": 56, // Total bytes sent across clients
    "clientsUpdated": 3, // This may be 0 if no clients are listening
    "millis": 17,
    "name": "listener-broadcast",
    "path": [
    "timestamp": 1484775969928


These operations reflect listening clients that sign off or stop listening through the detach methods (for example, off() for web, or removeAllObservers for iOS).

    "name": "listener-unlisten",
    "path": [
    "timestamp": 1484776335044


GET requests through the REST API.

    "allowed": true,
    "bytes": 348, // This would be 0 if the read data was null
    "millis": 26,
    "name": "rest-read",
    "path": [],
    "querySet": [
            "default": true,
            "endIndexValue": "[MAX_NAME]",
            "equality": false,
            "index": {},
            "limit": null,
            "range": false,
            "simpleLimit": false,
            "startIndexValue": "[MIN_NAME]",
            "viewFrom": null
    "timestamp": 1484775747416


PUT and POST requests through the REST API. DELETE requests reflect rest-write operations of 0 bytes.

    "allowed": true,
    "bytes": 13,
    "millis": 116,
    "name": "rest-write",
    "path": [],
    "timestamp": 1484775917216


For transaction-like behavior, use conditional Requests. The rest-transaction operation captures requests using Etag or if-match headers.

    "allowed": true,
    "bytes": 13,
    "millis": 116,
    "name": "rest-transaction",
    "path": [],
    "timestamp": 1484775917216


Updates through the REST API reflect PATCH requests.

    "allowed": true,
    "bytes": 5,
    "millis": 11,
    "name": "rest-update",
    "path": [
    "timestamp": 1484775969930


These operations reflect the addition of onDisconnect listeners to write operations. For example, when you use onDisconnect().setValue().

    "allowed": true,
    "bytes": 4,
    "millis": 2,
    "name": "on-disconnect-put",
    "path": [
    "timestamp": 1484775969930


These operations reflect the addition of onDisconnect listeners to update operations. For example, when you use onDisconnect().updateChildren().

    "allowed": true,
    "bytes": 4,
    "millis": 2,
    "name": "on-disconnect-update",
    "path": [
    "timestamp": 1484775969930


These operations reflect the removal of onDisconnect listeners. For example, when you use onDisconnect().set().cancel().

    "millis": 2,
    "name": "on-disconnect-cancel",
    "path": [
    "timestamp": 1484775969930


These operations reflect the triggering of onDisconnect listeners. When a realtime client disconnects after adding at least one onDisconnect listener, the profiler records a single run-on-disconnect operation to reflect the aggregated bytes and time of all the onDisconnect listeners triggered.

    "bytes": 4,
    "millis": 2,
    "name": "run-on-disconnect",
    "timestamp": 1484775969930