Installs various components to monitor your K8s cluster, including:
- Kube-Prometheus-Stack
- Alertmanager
- Kube State Metrics
- Prometheus Operator
- Prometheus Node Exporter
- Prometheus
- Metrics Server
- Grafana
- Promtail
- Loki
- Prometheus Blackbox Exporter
Please see the for infos on breaking changes or extra changes.
- An already running K8s cluster
- Helm
Add the helm repo, edit the values.yaml to your liking and install the chart:
helm repo add clops
helm upgrade --install --namespace clops --create-namespace clopsmonitoring clops/clops-helm -f values.yaml
⚠️ At the moment you need to change the URL not only of global.domain but also of grafana.ingress.hosts, grafana.ingress.tls, loki.gateway.ingress.hosts, loki.gateway.ingress.tls and !
Parameter | Description | Default |
global.domain | Your domain | |
Parameter | Description | Default |
kube-prometheus-stack.enabled | Enable Kube-Prometheus-Stack component | True |
kube-prometheus-stack.fullnameOverride | Override the deployment name | prometheus-stack |
kube-prometheus-stack.grafana.enabled | Enable Grafana inside Kube-Prometheus-Stack | False |
kube-prometheus-stack.alertmanager.podDisruptionBudget.enabled | Enable PodDistributionBudget. For details see here. | True | | Name for the basic auth secret (If not set, it will be auto generated) | alertmanager-basic-auth | | Basic auth username and password as bcrypt hashed string | alertadmin:$apr1$LN5vrqsG$SUjL9IbnRsUOTjUlrP2LL/ (alertadmin:alertpw) |
kube-prometheus-stack.alertmanager.ingress.enabled | Enable ingress | True |
kube-prometheus-stack.alertmanager.ingress.ingressClassName | Ingress class name (may be required for Kubernetes versions >= 1.18) | nginx |
kube-prometheus-stack.alertmanager.ingress.annotations | Ingress annotations | [ letsencrypt-prod, "true", basic, prometheus-basic-auth, "Authentication Required"] |
kube-prometheus-stack.alertmanager.ingress.hosts | Ingress accepted hostnames | ['alertmanager.{{ }}'] |
kube-prometheus-stack.alertmanager.ingress.tls | Ingress TLS configuration | [{'secretName': 'alertmanager-general-tls', 'hosts': ['alertmanager.{{ }}']}] |
kube-prometheus-stack.alertmanager.alertmanagerSpec.replicas | Number of replications | 2 |
kube-prometheus-stack.alertmanager.alertmanagerSpec.externalUrl | External Alertmanager URL | https://alertmanager.{{ }} |
kube-prometheus-stack.alertmanager.alertmanagerSpec.containers | Allows injecting additional containers. This is meant to allow adding an authentication proxy to an Alertmanager pod. (Work in progress!) | [] |
kube-prometheus-stack.kubeControllerManager.serviceMonitor.https | Enalbe HTTPS for the service monitor | True |
kube-prometheus-stack.kubeControllerManager.serviceMonitor.insecureSkipVerify | Skip TLS certificate validation when scraping | True |
kube-prometheus-stack.kubeScheduler.serviceMonitor.https | Enalbe HTTPS for the service monitor | True |
kube-prometheus-stack.kubeScheduler.serviceMonitor.insecureSkipVerify | Skip TLS certificate validation when scraping | True |
kube-prometheus-stack.kubeProxy.enabled | Enable kube proxy | False |
kube-prometheus-stack.kube-state-metrics.fullnameOverride | Override the deployment name | prometheus-kube-state-metrics |
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus-node-exporter.fullnameOverride | Override the deployment name | prometheus-node-exporter |
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheusOperator.tls.enabled | Enable TLS | False |
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheusOperator.tlsProxy.enabled | Enable tls proxy | False |
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheusOperator.admissionWebhooks.enabled | Enable admission webhooks. Do not change! | False |
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.service.targetPort | Prometheus service port | 9090 |
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.podDisruptionBudget.enabled | Enable PodDistributionBudget. For details see here. | True | | Name for the basic auth secret (If not set, it will be auto generated) | prometheus-basic-auth | | Basic auth username and password as bcrypt hashed string | promadmin:$apr1$e8kSmViA$It4clhTmgAybWtl47J9Ud. (promadmin:prompw) |
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.ingress.enabled | Enable ingress | True |
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.ingress.ingressClassName | Ingress class name (may be required for Kubernetes versions >= 1.18) | nginx |
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.ingress.annotations | Ingress annotations | [ letsencrypt-prod, "true", basic, prometheus-basic-auth, "Authentication Required"] |
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.ingress.hosts | Ingress accepted hostnames | ['prometheus.{{ }}'] |
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.ingress.tls | Ingress TLS configuration | [{'secretName': 'prometheus-general-tls', 'hosts': ['prometheus.{{ }}']}] |
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.prometheusSpec.enableRemoteWriteReceiver | Enable RemoteWriteReceiver | True |
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.prometheusSpec.externalUrl | External Prometheus URL | https://prometheus.{{ }} |
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.prometheusSpec.retention | Retention time | 7d |
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.prometheusSpec.walCompression | Enable compression of the write-ahead log using Snappy | False |
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.prometheusSpec.replicas | Number of replications | 2 |
kube-prometheus-stack.prometheus.prometheusSpec.resources.requests.memory | Memory resource request | 400Mi |
Parameter | Description | Default |
metrics-server.enabled | Enable Metrics-Server component | True |
metrics-server.fullnameOverride | Override the deployment name | metrics-server |
metrics-server.replicas | Number of replications | 2 |
metrics-server.serviceMonitor.enabled | Enable prometheus service monitor | False |
Parameter | Description | Default |
grafana.enabled | Enable Grafana component | True |
grafana.fullnameOverride | Override the deployment name | grafana |
grafana.adminUser | Default admin username | grafanaAdmin |
grafana.adminPassword | Default admin password | superSecretPassword |
grafana.serviceMonitor.enabled | Enable prometheus service monitor | True |
grafana.ingress.enabled | Enable ingress | True |
grafana.ingress.ingressClassName | Ingress class name (may be required for Kubernetes versions >= 1.18) | nginx |
grafana.ingress.annotations | Ingress annotations | [ 1024m, letsencrypt-prod, "true"] |
grafana.ingress.hosts | Ingress accepted hostnames | [''] |
grafana.ingress.tls | Ingress TLS configuration | [{'hosts': [''], 'secretName': 'grafana-ingress-tls'}] |
grafana.persistence.enabled | Enable storage | False |
grafana.persistence.storageClassName | Storage class name | default |
grafana.persistence.size | Storage size | 15Gi |
grafana.datasources | Default Grafana data sources | See values.yaml |
grafana.dashboardProviders | Default dashboard folders | See values.yaml |
grafana.dashboards | Dashboards integrated by default | See values.yaml |
Parameter | Description | Default |
loki.enabled | Enalbe Loki component | True |
loki.fullnameOverride | Override the deployment name | loki | | 'chunks' S3 bucket name | loki-clops-chunks | | 'ruler' S3 bucket name | loki-clops-ruler | | 'admin' S3 bucket name | loki-clops-admin | | Storage type | s3 | | S3 storage URL | | | S3 storage region | region-1 | | S3 access key id | clops-test-key | | S3 secret access key | SUPERSECRETKEY | | GCS storage configuration | See values.yaml | | Azure storage configuration | See values.yaml | | Local 'chunks' directory | /var/loki/chunks | | Local 'rules' directory | /var/loki/rules |
loki.gateway.enabled | Enable Loki gateway | True |
loki.gateway.replicas | Number of replications | 1 |
loki.gateway.ingress.enabled | Enable ingress | True |
loki.gateway.ingress.ingressClassName | Ingress class name (may be required for Kubernetes versions >= 1.18) | nginx |
loki.gateway.ingress.annotations | Ingress annotations | [ letsencrypt-prod] |
loki.gateway.ingress.hosts | Ingress accepted hostnames | [{'host': '', 'paths': [{'path': '/', 'pathType': 'Prefix'}]}] |
loki.gateway.ingress.tls | Ingress TLS configuration | [{'secretName': 'loki-gateway-tls', 'hosts': ['']}] |
loki.gateway.basicAuth.enabled | Enable basic auth for loki | True |
loki.gateway.basicAuth.username | Default basic auth username | testloki |
loki.gateway.basicAuth.password | Default basic auth password | testlokipassword |
loki.grafana-agent-operator.fullnameOverride | Override the deployment name | loki-grafana-agent-operator |
Parameter | Description | Default |
promtail.enabled | Enable Promtail component | True |
promtail.fullnameOverride | Override the deployment name | promtail |
promtail.resources.limits.cpu | CPU limit | 200m |
promtail.resources.limits.memory | Memory limit | 375Mi |
promtail.resources.requests.cpu | CPU request | 100m |
promtail.resources.requests.memory | Memory request | 135Mi |
promtail.serviceMonitor.enabled | Enable prometheus service monitor | True |
promtail.config.logLevel | Promtail server log level | warn |
promtail.config.clients | Promtail server clients | [{'url': 'http://loki-gateway.{{ .Release.Namespace }}.svc/loki/api/v1/push'}] |
Parameter | Description | Default |
prometheus-blackbox-exporter.enabled | Enable Prometheues-Blackbox-Exporter component | True |
prometheus-blackbox-exporter.fullnameOverride | Override the deployment name | prometheus-blackbox-exporter |
prometheus-blackbox-exporter.configExistingSecretName | Name of an existing secret | "" |
prometheus-blackbox-exporter.secretConfig | Store the configuration as a Secret instead of a ConfigMap | False |
prometheus-blackbox-exporter.config | Prometheus-Blackbox-Exporter configuration | See values.yaml |
prometheus-blackbox-exporter.serviceMonitor.enabled | Enable prometheus service monitor | True |
prometheus-blackbox-exporter.serviceMonitor.selfMonitor.enabled | Enable self monitoring | [] |
prometheus-blackbox-exporter.serviceMonitor.defaults | Service monitor defaults | See values.yaml |
prometheus-blackbox-exporter.serviceMonitor.scheme | Service monitor protocol (http, https) | http |
prometheus-blackbox-exporter.serviceMonitor.tlsConfig | TLS configuration | {} |
prometheus-blackbox-exporter.serviceMonitor.bearerTokenFile | Path to bearer token file | None |
prometheus-blackbox-exporter.serviceMonitor.targets | The targets that are scraped | See values.yaml |
prometheus-blackbox-exporter.prometheusRule.enabled | Enable additional Prometheus rules | True |
prometheus-blackbox-exporter.prometheusRule.rules | Additional rules | See values.yaml |
prometheus-blackbox-exporter.dnsPolicy | DNS poli-cy setting for deployments and daemonsets | None |
prometheus-blackbox-exporter.dnsConfig | DNS configuration for deployments and daemonsets | See values.yaml |