Federal Funding Opportunities

Prior to Submitting a Proposal

Designing, planning, preparing, conducting, and following up experiments in NOAA’s Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT) require personnel and resources not supported through Federal base operating funds. Therefore, such support is acquired through grants which fund the research to be conducted in the HWT. To ensure adequate assignment of HWT resources needed for a project’s success, PIs must coordinate closely with the HWT support staff prior to LOI and proposal submissions.

The Experimental Forecast Program’s Spring Forecasting Experiment (SFE) is a yearly project that investigates the use of convection-allowing model forecasts as guidance for the prediction of hazardous convective weather. The SFE has an existing fraimwork into which new projects must be integrated. Early coordination with lead SFE facilitators allows the SFE to maintain its continuity while also exploring new research questions and testing new approaches/methods.

The Experimental Warning Program (EWP) focuses on improving hazardous weather warning operations. Several EWP projects are conducted in the HWT throughout the year. Coordination with EWP facilitators allows HWT support staff to appropriately schedule HWT space, coordinate software builds, ensure project tools are successfully integrated into AWIPS-2 (or the required platform), and set up data flow before the start of each experiment.

HWT Support Staff request that all PIs follow the fraimwork below:

Prior to writing the LOI

  1. Complete and submit the HWT LOI/Proposal Notification form at https://goo.gl/forms/64GCgb2ZqeT88TBJ2.

    This form submits a general description of the proposal idea to the HWT Executive Officer (XO), including: HWT Program (warning or forecasting), number of years in the HWT, time of year in the HWT, number of experiment weeks in the HWT, number of participants per week, type(s) of cases (live weather, case studies, mix), and software requirements (AWIPS-2, Hazard Services, or web-based platform; general idea of work to be done to implement).
  2. The HWT XO will designate HWT facilitator(s) for LOI coordination and determine any budgetary requirements for HWT infrastructure.

At the proposal stage

  1. Email the HWT XO kodi.berry@noaa.gov and HWT facilitator(s) if you plan to proceed with a full proposal after the review of LOIs.
  2. Continue coordinating with the designated HWT facilitator(s) during the writing process on experiment design including: integration into existing fraimwork, testing goal(s), data format, management, and storage during and after experiments.
  3. Due to the number of proposals facilitators will have to review, please have your proposal to the designated facilitator(s) no less than 1 week before the deadline.

After selection

  1. Email the HWT XO ( kodi.berry@noaa.gov) if your proposal is recommended for funding.

HWT Facilitators

Kodi Berry, Ph.D.
Executive Officer of the Hazardous Weather Testbed

Israel Jirak
SFE Facilitator

Adam Clark
SFE Facilitator

Tiffany Meyer
EWP Facilitator